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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 377

Chapter 377 Gave In

"Elijah, what's with you? Do you really have a fever?" Cordelia stepped forward and poked on his blanket.

As a result, she accidentally poked Elijah's itchy spot. His body visibly trembled, and then he lifted the quilt angrily.

Seeing Cordelia's smiling eyes, Elijah's anger disappeared instantly.

He really could not do anything about her.


Pulling her into his arms, he held her tightly.

"Elijah, isn't your jealousy a little too much?" Cordelia asked with a smile.

Elijah did not speak. He also felt ashamed.

But he just was unhappy.

"How about I pamper you one more time and break off friendship with Eason?" Cordelia asked.

Elijah buried his head in Cordelia's neck. He knew that he was being unreasonable and immature, like a little boy.

"No need," Elijah said sullenly.

"I just thought Imogen called me back, so I was in a bit of a hurry. I called her earlier, but Ben answered. Don't blame me for judging Ben, but I really don't trust him," Cordelia explained.

"Cordelia, do you and Imogen have any secrets?" Elijah asked sharply suddenly.

"Why do you ask that suddenly?" Cordelia was puzzled, her heart pounding.

After all, she felt a little guilty.

However, this was Imogen's secret, and she absolutely must not say anything!

"It's just intuition, don't be nervous." Elijah chuckled.

"Why would I be nervous?" Cordelia lied through her teeth and even sounded confident.


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