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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 378

Chapter 378 See the Child

Hearing Imogen sobbing over there, Cordelia could not help but cover her mouth in shock.

"Imogen, what are you saying? Don't cry. What are you saying? Say it clearly!"

Cordelia was extremely anxious.

Elijah was beside her, and Ben was beside Imogen.

Imogen suddenly said such a sentence out of nowhere, which made Josephine immediately guess that Ben had somehow managed to make Imogen confess that she was pregnant with twins.

However, until the matter was clarified, she must not panic and confess on her own.

"Waah, you are so harsh, Cordelia," Imogen sobbed.

"Cordelia, why are you so harsh?"

This was Ben's voice.

Cordelia was stunned for a moment and then could not help but look at Elijah.

His face had darkened, and he opened his mouth and said, "What's wrong with being harsh? You're so whiny that even I want to slap you!"

"I dare you to try!" Ben roared.

"Come here and see if I dare!" Elijah did not back down at all.

Cordelia and Imogen were both speechless.

The four of them add up to a hundred years old, and they quarreled over the phone.

It was ridiculous!

"Alright, calm down." Cordelia quickly stroked Elijah's back and then went to the balcony with her phone.

Imogen also stayed away from Ben and whispered to Cordelia, "Cordelia, that bastard slept with me."

Cordelia said calmly, "Expected. Did he notice that your belly is bigger?"


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