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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 379

Chapter 379 Fantasize

As Elijah approached, the smell of smoke on his body became stronger, making Cordelia frown unconsciously.

"Elijah, stop smoking so much."

Elijah came to her and put his arm around her waist. "Didn't I tell you? I only smoke when I'm lonely."

"Hmph, what a horrible excuse." Cordelia rolled her eyes.



Cordelia felt her bones weaken from being called by Elijah and quickly pushed his chest.

"When will you forgive me? Or, which part of me are you still not happy about? Tell me, and I will continue to work hard," Elijah said in a serious tone.

Cordelia was speechless.

"Elijah, am I not good to you enough? Or do you think I'm holding back from you? What makes you think that I haven't forgiven you yet?"

Elijah's eyes lit up. "Cordie..."

Immediately afterward, he urgently and deeply kissed Cordelia's lips.

He was very purposeful, almost straight to the point, which made Cordelia frown.

But soon, the instinct of her body overcame the last bit of resistance in her heart.

Elijah finally succeeded.

He took control of the situation and wanted to give Cordelia the ultimate experience.

However, when the desire subsided, and everything returned to calm, Cordelia turned her back to him and ignored him.

Elijah, of course, noticed Cordelia's strangeness.

He came up behind her and said tentatively, "Baby, how about I carry you to take wash up?"

"You go first," Cordelia said coldly.

Elijah became more and more sure of his hunch.


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