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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 385

Chapter 385 Pillow Talk

After speaking, Adam looked at Eason, who looked cold.

Eason shook his head and took the lead.

Adam said a few more words to Cordelia, hung up the phone, and quickly followed up. "Eason, don't you think that is a coincidence? How about you can explain it to Cordelia on the phone?"

"It's not necessary," Eason said coldly, "Cordelia and I have no fate after all. Let's just let nature take its course."

Adam stood there blankly, looking at Eason's lonely back, and couldn't help but clench his fists.

Adam picked up the phone again and dialed a number. "Hello, please make an appointment with Mr. Carter for me. I have a private affair and want to chat with him privately."

Outside Beilve Airport.

Cordelia was about to take a taxi back when a car suddenly drove up in front of her.

Cordelia knew the driver. He was Elijah's personal driver.

She thought it was Elijah who sent a car to pick her up, but the next moment, she saw Elijah opening the back door and getting out of the car.

Before that, she didn't tell Elijah her flight number, but he showed up there.

"Why are you here?" Cordelia asked in surprise.

Elijah strode forward and hugged her into his arms.

"I told you I miss you," Elijah whispered in her ear.

Cordelia hugged his waist tightly. The smile on her face was full of sweetness.

"Shall we go home?" Elijah asked Cordelia softly, with a very gentle tone.

"Well, go home!"

The two were separated for a while, and when they met again, they were sweeter than the newlyweds.

On the way back, Cordelia snuggled into Elijah's arms and acquiesced to his flirting with her.

As soon as they entered the room, their physical contact became intense and then got out of hand.


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