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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 386

Chapter 386 He Is Henry

Milo's assistant called and asked Cordelia to come over early the following day.

After hanging up the phone, Cordelia stared at the blacked-out screen for a long time.

It wasn't until Elijah came to her and hugged her from behind that she returned to her senses. "What are you doing?"

Cordelia frowned. "Mr. Carter asked me to go to his place."

"Go. I'll take you there," Elijah said while getting up.

Cordelia quickly grabbed him. "I felt a little uneasy. It was Mr. Carter's assistant who called me just now. Normally, she only informs me about work-related matters. In the past, when Mr. Carter called me over, he called me personally."

Elijah hesitated for a moment and said, "It's okay. Don't overthink. Mr. Carter always loves you the most."

Cordelia naturally knew that.

But there was a saying called "Love well, whip well". Cordelia was worried that she had done something wrong and made Milo unhappy.

Therefore, she was always restless along the way.

Until she sat before Milo, her heart still hung in the air and could not reach its original place.

Elijah sent her over and went to do his own business.

Now, he didn't have to take care of Hansen Group, so he had a lot of time to be busy with his career.

"Cordelia, have some coffee." Milo greeted Cordelia with kindness as usual.

"Thank you, Mr. Carter."

Cordelia took the coffee cup with both hands, put it to her lips, and took a sip, but she didn't distinguish what coffee it was.

She thought about it for a long time, and when she saw that Milo was still drinking coffee leisurely, she couldn't sit still, so she took the initiative and asked, "Mr. Carter, is there something you called me here?"

"Nothing important. Don't worry." Milo smiled and said, "Cordelia, how are you doing lately? Have you reconciled with Elijah?"


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