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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 63

Chapter 63 Her Confidence 

Cordelia glared at him, and her phone continued to receive notifications where people were mentioning her. Elijah glanced at her, suggesting, “Aren’t you going to respond? Tell them that I am your dear husband.” 

Cordelia blinked, looking slightly bewildered at Elijah. She wondered when this man had started being willing to admit their relationship. 

Back then, they hadn’t even had a wedding or any ceremony. 

On the night they got their marriage certificate, he returned home, reeking of alcohol, and slept with her rudely. 

Since then, she had become nothing more like a mascot. She was just a nobody in this family. 

It was only much later that information began to trickle out through the public channels that Elijah was already married. 

Considering his attitude back then, what gave him the right to ask her to acknowledge their relationship in her circles? 

So, Cordelia simply lowered her gaze and chose not to respond. 

Elijah glanced at her several times and noticed that she remained unresponsive to everything that was happening. He frowned and didn’t say anything else. 

When they arrived at Eva’s small apartment, there was a commotion inside. 

Elijah opened the door and walked in to find Eva berating two new caregivers who had just arrived. 

Upon seeing Elijah, Eva immediately put away her angry look and smiled at him. “Elijah, you finally came. I’ve been waiting for you.” 

“Good girl.” 

Elijah looked at her, reminding her to cooperate with the treatment. 

Cordelia looked at them coldly and acted oblivious to everything that was happening between them. 

“Elijah, why did you send these two strangers to take care of me? I only need you. I don’t need the outsiders,” Eva said in a spoiled tone. 

Elijah wasn’t sure why Cordelia wanted two caregivers, so he looked to her for an explanation. 

Cordelia spoke calmly, “Miss Lewis, your treatment requires a daily herbal bath. Do you think Elijah can take off your clothes and bathe you every day?” 

Eva widened her eyes and then blushed, lowering her head shyly. 

Cordelia didn’t bother to watch her feigning in front of Elijah and turned around to get prepared. She also instructed the two caregivers standing by, “Lift Miss Lewis onto the couch.” 


The two caregivers were particularly efficient. Before Eva could react, she was already lying on the couch. 

Seeing Cordelia approaching with needles, Eva immediately started screaming, “Elijah, come here! Quick! Come to my side!” 

“Miss Lewis, you can’t feel your legs. It won’t hurt,” Cordelia said emotionlessly as she swiftly and accurately inserted the needles into Eva’s legs. 


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