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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 64

Chapter 64 Explain 

“Where does it hurt?” Elijah asked gently. 

“Here, it feels stuffy.” Eva pointed to her chest. 

Cordelia turned away, unable to bear this pretentious affection any longer. 

“Miss Carter!” Elijah called after her. 


go out for a walk. I’ll come back later to get those needles out.” Without looking back, Cordelia left the room. 

Elijah immediately ordered the two caregivers, “Watch her closely and don’t let her move around.” 

Then, he hurriedly chased after Cordelia. 

“Elijah! Elijah!” 

Gritting her teeth, Eva clenched her fists and punched the sofa repeatedly. “That bitch!” 

The two caregivers looked at Eva indifferently, and neither of them paid attention to her. 

Cordelia left Eva’s apartment and wandered around the community. Then, she saw a bench under a lush tree, so she went over and sat down to enjoy the shade. 

From a distance, she saw Elijah following her, his footsteps steady and purposeful. Soon, he walked up to her. 

He smiled and said half-jokingly, “You’ve been through a lot, Miss Carter.” 

Cordelia sarcastically remarked, “I didn’t realize you had such patience with Miss Lewis.” 

Elijah approached her slowly, sat down, and wanted to hug her. However, Cordelia glared at him. 

Elijah pulled back his hand and coaxed her, “I know Eva has a bad temper. Please be understanding. What would you like for dinner tonight? I can take you out.” 

“No need. I want to go back and rest,” Cordelia replied coldly. 

“Alright, then I’ll accompany you home,” Elijah said. 

Cordelia glanced at him. Perhaps in his mind, accompanying her was the greatest favor he could offer. 

In the past, she had longed for Elijah to come home more often. However, now, she didn’t need that anymore. 

She had her own career, her own friends, and plenty to learn. She was no longer like before, waiting at home in vain just for 

his return. 

Elijah looked at her strained face and was about to say 

something, but Cordelia interrupted him, “Let’s go. It’s about time to collect the needles.” 


Cordelia swiftly collected the needles. In no time, all the needles on Eva’s legs were back in her needle case. 

Afterward, Cordelia instructed the caregivers to prepare water and fill the bathtub, where she threw in a packet of herbs from her bag. 

“Ladies, please help Miss Lewis undress and bring her to the bathroom. She should soak for thirty minutes,” Cordelia instructed. 

After speaking, she left and returned to the living room. 


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