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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72 Can’t Understand 

Elijah was stunned. 

At this moment, Cordelia saw deep disappointment in Elijah’s 


There was frustration in his eyes at the moment. 

He worked hard for a long time, but it was in vain in the end. 

“Elijah, it’s fine. Anyway, she’s not the only doctor in this world, and I don’t want her to treat me!” Eva wiped away her tears and 


Cordelia spread her hands as if she didn’t care. She said to Eason, “Eason, let’s continue playing.” 

“Okay,” Eason said. 

The two turned around and walked towards the court without looking back. 

Eva tugged on Elijah’s sleeve and said, “Elijah.” 

“I’ll send you back,” Elijah said coldly. He pushed the wheelchair and left. 

“I…” Eva still wanted to quibble. 

“Shut up!”-Elijah shouted. 

His voice was cold, and Eva was so frightened that she didn’t dare to speak anymore. 

After leaving the golf course, Cordelia and Eason separated. 

Cordelia was a little tired, so she drove home directly. 

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Elijah’s shoes on the door. He had returned. 

Nora came to Cordelia and said with a smile, “Mrs. Hansen, Mr. Hansen said that I don’t need to prepare dinner tonight. Since you are back, I will leave first.” 

“Okay, thanks.” Cordelia smiled. 

After Nora left, there were only the two of them in the villa. 

Elijah was upstairs in the study, and Cordelia didn’t go up to disturb him. She lay down on the sofa to rest. 

Not long after, there were footsteps in the stairwell. 

“I thought you were going to stay with Eason the whole day,” Elijah said jealously while holding a cup of coffee. 

Cordelia turned over and turned her back to him. 

Elijah raised his eyebrows and smiled. 

Holding the coffee, he slowly approached Cordelia and sat 

beside her. 

“Do you want water?” He asked. 

“No.” Cordelia buried her head in the pillow as if she didn’t want to talk with him. 

Elijah pulled Cordelia back by force. He leaned over to kiss her and put the coffee into her mouth. 

Cordelia pushed him away and quickly wiped her lips with her hand. “You are annoying.” 

“Are you still angry, Babe?” Elijah rested his head on her chest. 

Cordelia put her fingers into Elijah’s hair, watching him move around her chest warily. 

“I’m happy,” Cordelia whispered. 

Elijah leaned on her chest for a while and was lost in thought. Cordelia looked at him and asked, “Have you fallen asleep?” 

“No,” Elijah said. 


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