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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 73

Chapter 73 Fair Competition 

“I have to work overtime tonight. You go first. I’ll come to you after I’m done here, okay?” Cordelia said. 

“Okay.” There was some reluctance in Elijah’s tone. 

Cordelia didn’t care about his moodiness. After chatting for a while, she hung up the phone. 

When Cordelia finished her work and was about to pick up Elijah, she received a message from Imogen. 

[Ben broke up with me.] 

Cordelia called Imogen and found out that she was also invited to dinner by Jacob. 

It seemed that they had broken up just now. 

“Elissa has some ability. She flirted with Elijah all night. Ben’s face was ugly,” Imogen said. 

Her tone was calm, as if she was an outsider and was not affected by the breakup at all. 

“Does Elissa like Elijah?” Cordelia asked. 

Imogen suddenly laughed. “Cordelia, will women only hook up with men they like?” 

Cordelia was silent, and she didn’t know what to say for a while. 

“Anyway, come quickly. I’m going to leave,” Imogen urged. 

“Okay,” Cordelia said. 

After hanging up the phone, Cordelia immediately drove to the club. 

As soon as she entered the door, she saw a charming woman in a red dress whispering in Elijah’s car. She couldn’t stop smiling, and Elijah also smiled. 

The two acted as if they were immersed in a world where only the two of them were there. 

Jacob came over with a wine glass and grabbed Cordelia’s wrist. “Cordelia, why do you come so late? Come, sit next to me.” 

Cordelia knew that Jacob was a little reckless because of drinking, so she reminded him, “I don’t think it’s appropriate.” 

Jacob was good-looking, and after drinking, his face looked even more bewitching under the neon lights. 

He smiled lightly. “Cordelia, we have been friends since we were young. It’s fine.” 

Cordelia smiled and felt helpless. 

“Ever since my grandma met you, she has always told me that 

you were so talented, and I should get engaged to you before the Hansen family,” Jacob laughed as he spoke. 

His smile was very charming. 

Although he looked good, he was not Cordelia’s type. 

After drinking, Jacob was more courageous than usual. 

Normally, he wouldn’t behave like this. 

Cordelia asked, “Where are Imogen and Ben? Have you seen them?” 

Before Jacob could answer, someone interrupted and said, “They might go to a hotel to sleep together…” 

Cordelia frowned didn’t believe this. 

She got up and wanted to leave, but Jacob held her back. 

“Jacob, you’re drunk,” Cordelia leaned over and warned him in a low voice. 


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