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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 83

Chapter 83 Are You Here to Pick Me Up 

“Probably because I’m low profile,” Cordelia replied lightly. 

Lamia muttered, “After all, you grew up in the countryside.” 

Cordelia glanced at her, she didn’t want to waste words with a rich girl like Lamia. 

“But no matter what, Cordelia, I admire you very much now. You are talented, and also lucky,” Lamia said proudly. 

“Thank you, I guess?” Cordelia said. Suddenly, she stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed smoothly through the traffic. 

Lamia quickly sat up straight and grabbed the armrest in the 


With the fast ride, they quickly arrived at the restaurant. 

As soon as the car stopped, Lamia rushed out of the car like a leopard before Cordelia could do anything. 

“You Bitch!” A heavy slap hit Elissa’s face. 

Cordelia was unbuckling her seat belt and was stunned by this 


After a closer look, she realized that Elissa was standing at the door, hugging and kissing Jacob without shame. 

No wonder Lamia got mad, she kept yelling Jacob was hers. 

Cordelia got out of the car quickly. 

When she got closer, she saw Elissa crying with a tearful face, so pitiful. 

Even though Elissa was slapped, she didn’t let go of Jacob’s waist, instead, she pressed her body even closer to Jacob. 

“Elijah, hurry and take care of your lunatic sister, she just slapped me,” Elissa was pitiful and complained tenderly. 

“You deserve it. Get your dirty hands off Jacob quickly!” Lamia said with her hands on her hips, flaunting her might. 

Elijah, who was standing side, saw Cordelia. 

He ignored Elissa’s complaint, and went straight to Cordelia with a sullen face. 

Judging by his expression, it seemed that he wanted to blame her for what happened. 

Cordelia was ready to be ridiculed by him. 

However, Elijah stepped forward and hugged Cordelia in front of everyone! 

“Are you here to pick me up?” Jacob whispered in her car. 

Cordelia was taken aback for a moment, then raised her lips unnaturally, “Yes.” 

Jacob saw the affectionate look of this couple and looked away embarrassingly. At the same time, he pushed away Elissa, who was still hugging him. 

“Lamia, stop making trouble.” Jacob’s tone was gentle, and he didn’t intend to blame Lamia for her inappropriate behavior. 

Elissa’s eyes widened immediately, and she looked at Jacob in 


Lamia raised her eyebrows and looked at Elissa with a proud face. “You horny woman, stay away from my brother and my Jacob. Otherwise, next time I’ll do worse than a slap in your face.” 

“Knock it off, there are too many people here, spare a few words.” Jacob pulled the angry Lamia away. 

Elijah also walked towards their red Ferrari with Cordelia in his 



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