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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84 How to Carry On 

On their way back, Cordelia said displeasedly, “Why didn’t you tell Mom and Dad you’re not coming home today?” 

“I sent you a message,” Elijah leaned on the back of the co-driver’s seat and said calmly. 

“Did you?” Just when the traffic light turned red, Cordelia took out the phone suspiciously and checked carefully. 

Indeed, there was a text from Elijah among the list of unchecked 


Elijah came over to take a look, and his expression suddenly changed. “What? You didn’t pin your husband, but you placed. your brother on top of everyone?” 

Cordelia was puzzled, and showed the phone to him. “Have a good look, I didn’t pin anyone.” 

Elijah didn’t seem to believe it, and after careful examination, his expression relaxed slightly. 

Afterward, Cordelia watched him pin his account on top of her chat list. 

“Put your husband in the first place, you hear me?” Elijah returned the phone to her with a cold face. 

fella was dis 

issatished. Putting the other party in the first 

place should be a mutual behavior. 

But if she refuted him now, they would definitely quarrel again. There would be no telling what would happen tonight, so Cordelia swallowed her pride and didn’t say anything. 

What she didn’t expect was that Elijah took out his mobile phone and showed her his Instagram. 

“See? I’m doing it right.” 

Cordelia took a glance and found that on Elijah’s Instagram, her account was the only one pinned. 

What was more, the screen saver background and wallpaper of his mobile phone were all photos of her! 

This discovery caused Cordelia’s heart to suddenly fall into a little confusion. 

“If you don’t like me, why would you do this? If you don’t like me, why do you keep tugging at my heartstrings every day? Why?” 

This afternoon, Imogen asked Cordelia to have coffee together, hoping that Cordelia could help her with a stream. 

“My sweet Cordelia, you don’t have to show your face. You can use a sound card to cover your voice, I guarantee that even acquaintances won’t recognize you. Okay? Please, do me at favor.” 

Cordelia reached out and touched Imogen’s head. “Girl, have I spoiled you too much lately?” 

Imogen was taken aback for a moment and then burst out laughing. “Cordelia, you’re so bossy. Let’s take a set of girlfriend photos some other day, shall we? You can dress like a man.” 

“Okay, it sounds fun,” Cordelia said with a smile, “But I can’t do the stream, girl, you are too unreliable.” 

“Oh, my sweet Cordelia…” 

The two were chatting when Imogen’s cell phone rang suddenly. 

She took a look and frowned. 

“Ben?” Cordelia was puzzled. “Haven’t you already broken off the engagement? Does he still bother you?” 


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