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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 88

Chapter 88 Cordelia’s Condition 

Elijah was moved and looked at Cordelia with a complex expression. 

However, Cordelia didn’t look at him. Instead, she turned her gaze to Milo and said gently, “Milo, Miss Lewis insulted me because of her lack of restraint and willful behavior. However, she has a good brother who can forgive all her mistakes.” 

Milo nodded. “Since you understand that, why are you helping her with her illness? We are physicians. Even if the other party is wicked, we will save their lives. But for those who insult us, we have the right to refuse. Cordelia, you don’t need to compromise. I will stand up for you no matter what happens!” 

At this point, Eason, who had been silent, also spoke calmly, “Exactly, Cordelia. You also have brothers. You’re not obliged to do something you’re unwilling to do. No one can force you.” 

Cordelia smiled sweetly at Milo and Eason. She knew that she wasn’t completely without support. 

Elijah had been watching Cordelia the whole time, watching the woman who begged for mercy under him every night. 

Now, her gaze was determined, as if she had strong opinions. 

However, this version of her made Elijah feel uneasy. 

Cordelia smiled gently at Milo and Eason, then glanced at 

Elijah calmly. “Elijah, I will cure Eva’s legs and help her stand up again. I will keep my promise this time, no matter what happens.” 

At this point, Elijah had already guessed it. Cordelia was so proud. She must have conditions to say something so compromising. 

Sure enough, in the next moment, Cordelia said ruthlessly, “Don’t worry. My condition is not demanding. I want a divorce.” 

Elijah stood in shock, his gaze darkening afterward. 

He glanced at Eason, standing by Cordelia’s side with a serious and indifferent look. Elijah’s anger was simmering beneath the surface. 

Suppressing his temper, Elijah addressed Cordelia with forced calmness, “You! You’re good, Cordelia. I thank you on behalf of Eva.” 

“Do not rush to thank me. Let’s sign the divorce agreement in front of Milo today,” Cordelia said. 

While saying that, Cordelia walked inside Milo’s study to print out the divorce agreement. 

Elijah’s gaze grew colder when he watched her determined figure. 

Suddenly, he turned his gaze to Eason, who seemed completely 

uninvolved at the moment. 

Elijah had always known that Cordelia had been yearning for a divorce to be with Eason. 

And it hadn’t changed over the three years of their marriage. 

Now, she could finally have her wish granted. 

However, seeing Eason’s lazy demeanor, Elijah couldn’t understand why Cordelia was fond of him. 

Not long after, Cordelia came out with two copies of the divorce agreement. 

She assisted Milo as they came to the courtyard. She said softly, “Milo, could you please bear witness for us?” 


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