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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 89

Chapter 89 The Divorce 

Cordelia was stunned and then lowered her gaze. “Stop playing around, Elijah. Don’t keep deceiving yourself. It’s pointless.” 

Elijah loved Eva so much, yet he had endured it to maintain this marriage. What was the point of it all? Cordelia felt tired of him. 

Elijah arched an eyebrow. He didn’t know when he had deceived himself. 

It turned out that he had been deceiving himself all along in Cordelia’s eyes. 

Indeed, he had been deceived by Cordelia’s virtuous appearance over these three years. She had long wanted to elope with Eason. He had been the one deceiving himself. 

Elijah thought he must have gone mad that he could have allowed himself to be trampled upon by Cordelia. 

Elijah picked up the pen and quickly signed his name on the divorce agreement, slamming the pen down heavily on the desk in front of him. 

Cordelia put away the agreement, stood up, and said, “Let’s go. We must go back home to get our identifications and head to the Courthouse.” 

“Alright! Let’s do it today!” Elijah stormed off, leaving Milo’s 

yard in a huff. 

Milo squinted at Elijah’s departing figure with a peculiar glint in his eyes. 

He then turned his gaze to Cordelia, who had reddened eyes. He patted her shoulder and said, “Cordelia, I’ll find someone better for you after your divorce.” 

Cordelia nodded vigorously, forcing back her tears with determination. 

It was strange. This should be a moment of great joy, but she just couldn’t help crying! 

“Cordelia, should I go with you?” Eason weighed his words for a moment before speaking, still concerned. 

“Yes, let Eason go with you. Just in case Elijah tries anything funny!” Milo said immediately. 

Cordelia shook her head. “No need. I can go by myself.” 

The road ahead was something she had to walk alone. She might as well start now. 

Cordelia composed herself and walked out of Milo’s yard. 

Elijah was sitting in the car, staring at Cordelia. 

When she got in, Elijah sarcastically said, “I thought you might have your brother accompany you.” 

“Elijah, why do you always involve other people in our matters? If that’s the case, I wonder if I should have the right to know how much money you’re spending on Miss Lewis. Shouldn’t I have a say in the disposal?” 

Cordelia stared at him coldly, unyielding. 

Elijah was taken aback for a moment, and then his gaze grew even darker. “You’re quite skilled at implicating others. That’s a perfect way to shift blame. Well done.” 

Cordelia ignored him. When the car entered the Maple Villa, she left and went inside to get her documents. 

When she came down from upstairs and saw Elijah standing at the door empty-handed, she quickly checked the time and urged, “Hurry up and get your identification. The Courthouse will close soon.” 

“What does it matter if they close? We can go tomorrow morning. Does it really make a difference? You’ve been pretending for three years, and one more day shouldn’t matter, right?” Elijah smirked. 

Cordelia glared at him and said, “Elijah, it’s pointless.” 

Elijah approached slowly, cupping her face and looking at her seriously. 


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