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Alpha Maximus:The last lycan novel Chapter 16

  Alpha Maximus

  I relay the conversation I had with Alex to Hope, explaining our plan.

  ‘No! Max! What if something happens to you and you get hurt, or killed?’ She argues.

  ‘I'm a lycan, not a werewolf. I have the strength of three alphas put together. If I take them out, one by one, they can’t kill me,’ I explain.

  ‘What if the pack members attack you?’

  ‘Hopefully they don’t. If I’m careful enough to not be seen I should be able to take the whole lot on,’ I explain.

  ‘If it's a large pack?’

  ‘It won't come to that.’

  ‘You don't know that!’ She says.

  ‘Hope, whatever happens to me doesn't matter. What matters is your survival and your safety,’ I explain.

  Hope storms off into the bathroom and shuts the door behind her. I hear her crying and it breaks my heart. I tap on the door.

  ‘I'm sorry I upset you,’ I say, softly, through the door. She opens the door.

  ‘Don't you see? You want me to live, but how do I live without you? I love you Maximus. I choose the same fate as you. If you die, I die,’ she says, wrapping her arms around my waist. I gently tilt her chin to look at me.

  ‘You love me?’ I ask, my heart racing one-hundred miles an hour.

  ‘Yes, I love you, Maximus,’ she says, softly, staring lovingly into my eyes. I caress her face with my hand, and bring her chin closer to me, and kiss her passionately.

  ‘I love you, too,’ I reply, and she smiles and her eyes glisten, before she flinches.

  ‘What's wrong?’ I ask.

  ‘Storm thinks you’re really sweet and she likes you,’ she says, excitedly.

  ‘Ask her if she’d like to meet Chaos. He has been trying to talk to her but she hasn't answered,’ I explain.

  ‘She says she is too scared of Chaos and doesn't want to come out,’ Hope says, sadly.

  ‘Oh... okay. That's a shame... maybe Storm would like to spend some time with me, then? I'm sure she’s a fine-looking wolf,’ I offer.

  ‘She says she is really nervous and doesn't want to get hurt. This is why she hasn’t shifted.’

  ‘You're my mate, Storm. I will protect you and keep you safe,’ I say, softly, and Hope grins.

  ‘She says if you stay with her, she will try and shift,’ Hope explains, excited.

  ‘Here? Or outside?’ Hope asks.

  ‘I think we should stay here. There are werewolves out hunting us. It's safer. Also, humans can’t see us in here,’ I explain.

  ‘Ok. What do I do now?’ Hope asks.

  ‘It's much easier if you take all your clothes off first,’ I say, with a cheeky grin. Hope giggles and blushes, and walks to me, undresses, and gives me a sexy wink. She is staring and smiling at me, naked.

  ‘Damn, babe,’ I say, with a frisky growl. I stand and sit in the middle of the bed and pat my knee for Hope to come to me.

  ‘You will be in a bit of pain. Each time you shift it gets easier and quicker. Try not to fight it and you will shift quicker, okay?’ I explain, and she nods.

  ‘Let Storm know when you’re ready.’

  She and Storm have a chat. I don't want her to feel rushed or scared, so I wait patiently until I hear the first crack, and Hope cries out.


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