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Enigma novel Chapter 22

The silence that grazed the clearing was impenetrable. The pressure was thick in the air. There are only a total of twenty-seven of us. If we add Cassidy and Grayson, we will be twenty-nine. We will need someone to watch and guard the kids. So Austin and Cloe will be on it. We might need more people on guard as the mates and parents of the shifters will have to go with the kids. How are we supposed to take over that many number of demons? That too without the humans noticing?

“What are your thoughts about it Amara?” Leo asked me. “I can see the gears turning in your head.”

It took me off guard a little.

“First of all, I think we need to contact Greyson and Cassidy. With the witch part down, we need to contact mom for the information on killing the high level demons.” I don’t know how many more things that women forgot to tell me. “We need to get the kids, mates and parents out of here and to safety. I was thinking to send them to Austin and Cloe but the two of them alone can’t protect the lot so we need more reinforcement only if they want to get involved. They do have a child. I can understand if they don’t want anything to do with this. Maybe a few of the shifters can go with them but that will leave us underhanded more than we already are. The kids shifting is out of question as the spirit wolves can do more damage than the shifters. No offense but I have to think logically here.” Leo smiled shaking his head. “So what do you guys think?”

“That sound like a good plan but I was thinking about letting a few of the kids shift. We will lose few warriors anyways for the protection. Why not go with untrained ones than the trained ones? We will be short on a few spirit wolves but if we failed in protecting our loved ones, there is no meaning winning the war.” Leo said thoughtfully.

That does makes sense but losing spirit wolves in this situation does not sound good. I don’t trust Zeno, Fabian and Francis with authority and power. Lucas, Archer and Hudson would want to fight. That means they will need an Alpha. The only other alpha in my knowing is Ben and I don’t want my kids on the battle field.

What are we going to do?

“I refuse to be Zeno’s wolf.” Ajax voiced.

“I don’t want to be Francis’s wolf either.” Cedric said.

“Neither do I want to be Fabian’s wolf. Those three are not suitable to lead.” Ivor scoffed.

“We agree with them. We don’t want to be led by humans like those.” Victor growled.

Caesar and Finn nodded at that.


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