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Enigma novel Chapter 23

Leo looked like someone slapped him in the face. Hearing that the mate of your son died before he could even meet her is truly devastating.

“There is one more thing we suspect.” Earl growled.

Ajax just looked away… ashamed?

“What is it?” I asked.

Please don’t be any worse news than this one.

“We think Aria is my second chance mate.” Ajax said looking at the ground.

He didn’t say Zeno and his. Oh dear! How much do they hate him?

“Why do you think that?” Leo asked.

He looked hopeful and so did the others from the pack.

“From what I think he started bullying Aria since the school started after that summer. As I said earlier that I could feel his emotions more and more these past few months. I noticed that the darkness inside him would diminish to almost nothing when Aria would be near him or in the same building. I had started to look over him since I first felt those depressing feeling. The same goes for me. Whenever you two would come here to train, I would stay nearby and it made me feel calm and happy.” Ajax explained.

“That might be because she is a spirit walker.” Steven objected.

I don’t think he likes the idea of Aria being mated to Zeno. Nor do I.

“I thought that too at first but I am sure now that she is my mate.” Ajax said firmly.

Ryder growled.

“I don’t want my precious niece with that bullying git. I support your decision Ajax.”

“Thank you papa. I would rather die like this than put Aria through that situation. She deserves better than that insolent human.”

Ajax looked determined but I could see an underline of sadness in his eyes. He is one strong willed Alpha. Only if he could have a better human.

“Please. Don’t do this.” Leo begged. “He will die due to that darkness. Give him one chance. I know what he did is unforgivable but… I can’t lose my son.”

His painful sobs raked the silent clearing. The other shifters hung their heads in shame. I walked up to him and hugged him as he cried on my shoulder. It is not his fault that he has to go through this horror of begging for his child’s life. There are so many atrocious things parents have to do for their children and they are always ignorant of it. The parents usually end up paying up for their reckless mistakes.

“Tyler.” I called.

“Yes.” Leo’s voice went deeper as Tyler surfaced.


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