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Enigma novel Chapter 29

Taking advantage of everyone’s distracted state, I ran into the woods. They won’t notice me gone any sooner as they were too focused on the snarling Ajax. I ran in a random direction without checking where I was heading.

Why does everything bad have to happen to me? What have I ever done to anyone? I just wanted a happy life after that dreadful year mom died and dad bailed on me. Do I not deserve to be happy?

I had thought that I will find my mate while in college or after it. We will get married and have a family together. We will live happily away from the pack, away from Zeno and his lackeys. But no everything had to come crashing down and I had to be mated to that good for nothing piece of shit. I know for sure he will reject me. Even if he did stay with me, my life will be horrible. He will torture me daily. No one will be able to stop him then. He will more like own me. Won’t he? He will have a free lane. He would make sure to turn me into a laughing stock for everyone to see. Not even mom or dad would be able to do anything. I wouldn’t possibly drag them into my mess. They have already done enough for me.

It’s not like I want to be with him. I would rather die than be with him. Poor Ajax. He is wonderful. I couldn’t ask anything more for a mate, but Zeno had to ruin it all. I don’t know why he had to be the Alpha. If it was someone else, I would have been able to be with Ajax without any problem.


Me and my clumsy feet. Or is it my eyes’ fault. I got up from the forest floor rubbing my head to ease the pain and dusting my clothes. Apparently in the midst of running I didn’t see the huge ass branch sticking at the low level and smacked head long into it.

Where the hell did it come from? Stupid branch. My head hurts.

Wait a minute. Where am I?

I looked around myself to try to see if anything looks familiar, but I couldn’t see anything other than the dense woods and darkness. I don’t think I had ever come to this part of the forest before.

Why the hell did I run? Me and my stupid decisions. But I needed to get away from there. I couldn’t see Ajax like that. Besides I would have murdered Zeno if I had stayed there any longer. That is not nice right. I don’t want to be a murderer anyways. It is no use killing him. I will leave this place in a year anyways.

Well whatever that I am going to do, can wait. For this moment, I am utterly screwed. Mom is going to skin me alive once she gets her hands on me. Lord save me from her wrath. One part of me is wishing that she didn’t get to me, but another part wants her to be here with me as soon as possible.

What should I do now? I don’t; think anyone will even see me here. It’s so dark that I can hardly see my hands.

This forest feels eerie now that I am actually looking around it. I should have just kept running without looking. That way I wouldn’t have felt so sacred.


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