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Enigma novel Chapter 30

So, it is two of them. The silence between them stretched for a few seconds. I listened carefully for anything, but I couldn’t hear anything, like they disappeared in thin air.

My heart lurched in fear as I heard the first guy right behind me.

“Cosa abbiamo qui?” I could hear the smirk in his voice. (What do we have here?)

I looked behind me to find a tall male bearing down on me. I couldn’t see his face properly due to the darkness.

“I don’t think she can understand us.” A bored voice, thick with Italian accent came from the other side of me.

The first guy huffed.

“What are you doing here girl?” The second guy asked.

“I am lost. Do you know the way out?” I said standing up.

My voice shook with fear. The first guy seemed to like to see the fear in me. I heard him making an appreciative sound.

“How did you end up in here in the first place?” the second guy asked again.

His accent was making it difficult to understand what he was saying.

“I ran in the woods without looking and when I did look around, I didn’t know where I was. I am waiting for the sun to rise so could at least see where I am.” I explained leaving the more important bits out.

I don’t know why but something felt odd about these two people.

“Let’s just kill her and move on. We have work to do.” The first guy said snorting.

I stiffened when he said the killing part. I saw the second guy nod discretely. Oh no. Are they some sort of criminals? The way they talked about killing me so casually makes me think they are. What should I do now? I couldn’t even see properly.

The first guy tried to grab me, but I ducked on instinct and moved away from the both of them. Well seems like I have to rely on my hearing and other senses more now.

They stopped momentarily at my action but caught themselves quickly and lunged at me again. I ducked under the second guy’s arms and kicked first one in the stomach. Taking advantage of the second guy’s distraction, I kicked his legs from under him and made a dash for it.


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