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Enigma novel Chapter 4

Once we reached the clearing of the cabin, mom plopped down on the ground and looked at me sternly. She motioned me to sit down and I reluctantly sat down in front of her.

This place always felt like home. It calmed me down every time I was agitated but today, seeing mom like this, it was riling me up and making me nervous.

“Spill.” She ordered.

I don’t have a choice now, do I?

“I was sitting under the tree and Zeno walked up to me.” I mumbled. She didn’t say anything just looked at me with a blank face. Well she looked scary. “Mom can we not talk about this please.”

I made a last effort to save those idiots’ asses. She just replied me with a glare so I continued.

“At first I didn’t pay much attention to them like every time but he said some things about mom and dad and the next thing I know I was seeing and hearing the memories of that day.”

I chewed on my bottom lip to stop myself from crying.

“What do you mean by every time? How long has this been going on?” Her voice came out sharp.

Oh no. She is furious.

“Since I started living with you.”


“Mom calm down please. It wasn’t this bad before. Just some snide comments and stuff here and there. I never paid much attention to them in school anyways. It just got to me today. I think they never liked me moving in with you guys.” I said looking at my fingers.

“What were your brothers doing when you were going through all this? I am going to ground their asses for eternity. And why the hell didn’t you beat the living day lights out of them? I think I taught you well till now.” Mom snapped.

I sighed. I think uncle Ryder is really rubbing off on her. I didn’t know she can be this violent.

“Mom, it’s not Ben and Ethan’s fault. Fabian and Francis usually keep them busy and Zeno comes to mock me. About not beating them up, mom that’s ridiculous. How can you tell me to beat them up? I mean come on. You are my mother. You are not supposed to say things like that.” I replied amused.

She smirked at me. Situations like these made me understand how wonderful of a friend she is to me despite being my mother and mentor.

“Well I almost beat someone on my first day at school here.”

“What? Why?”

I was shocked.

“They were bulling Aaron.” She said through gritted teeth.


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