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Enigma novel Chapter 5

The air rushed through my hairs as we traveled back home. Mom is sitting on Ryder’s back while I am on Xander’s.

There are nine more spirit wolves but sadly I haven’t met them yet. Mom said she will let me enjoy my life till she can keep up with the spirit walker duties but she is still training me in case I have to take over unpredictably. I am already of age so the powers will come to me in full force any day now anyways.

So far there have been no problems but you never know. Right?

We got off of their backs as we reached the woods near our house and started our walk. It is past breakfast time but my stomach is growling as we haven’t eaten yet.

Ryder and Mom were going on and on about Zeno, Fabian and Francis so we are late. I hope dad has fed the others but again he is totally useless in the kitchen. My poor brothers and sisters must be starving.

A strawberry blond haired midget almost tackled me to the ground as soon as I entered the house.

“Eros! How many times have I told you not to run around the house?” Mom scolded him but the sternness slipped from her face as the said midget looked at her with a puppy face.

Everyone is a sucker for that one. I swear to god, it feels like he is getting cuter every passing day. He definitely knows that and uses it to his advantage.

“I missed you Ari.” He said to me as I picked him up.

Mom went inside looking at the two of us fondly. I made my way to the kitchen and had an immediate mind to run out of the house as I could literally see mom swelling with rage.

Dad looked like he would shit his pants any moment. He must have done something bad.

“Love the kids were hungry.” Dad said in a weak voice.

Others were trying to escape but one look from mom made them stop in their tracks.

What did they do?

Ahh! Now I know what happened. Dad is definitely sleeping on the couch tonight for sure.

After mom screamed herself hoarse, she went to take a soak. Apparently dad had ordered pizza for breakfast and had forgotten to dispose of the evidence. No wonder mom was mad.

I left my shaken up family in the kitchen and went to take a bath myself. Eros quietly went to sit with dad.

Mom cooked lunch and we sat down to eat. Mom was still shooting dirty looks around the table. Only me and Eros were spared from it.


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