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Enigma novel Chapter 43

As I looked at mom talking to Fallon, something clicked in me.

Ben woke up. That means Zeno will wake up soon as well.

Holly shit! I need to get the hell out of here. No way in the hell do I want to face him at the moment. He will probably end up cursing me to the hell and then everyone will get into fighting. I don’t think my family will let him go this time if he tried to mess with me.

“Mom.” I called and she turned towards me. “I want to go home and sleep. Do you mind if I leave now? I have seen how its’s done and I can come back tomorrow if needs be.”

“Sure. Go ahead. Ryder will take you home.” She replied frowning as I gave her a pleading look.

“Thanks mom.” I squealed and was about to go to uncle Ryder but was stopped by Ethan.

“Aren’t you staying for me? You were here for Ben.”

He looked hurt. Please Ethan. Try to understand.

“It’s not like that Ethan. I need to get out of here.” I said urgently trying to make him understand.

“But why? Just stay for a couple more minutes. Please.”

I opened my mouth to reply to him but was cut off by a very timid voice of Francis.

“She wants to leave before Zeno wakes up.”

I closed my eyes sighing. I just don’t have the strength nor the will to face that good for nothing person.

“Oh… well hurry up then.” Ethan said but he looked like he didn’t want me to go.

“You know what. I am not going anywhere. Why should I run when I haven’t done anything wrong? I will stay here with you. All the best. Fallon loves you. It won’t be that painful for you. I promise.” I beamed at Ethan who grinned back at me.

He pulled me into a tight hug.

“Thanks sis.” He mumbled. “To tell the truth, I am a little scared.”

His last words were so quiet that no human could have heard them even after standing right beside us. Ethan has always been the timid one in the twins. Ben had always been the outgoing and more on the brute side but despite being build the same in body and height, Ethan has always been gentle. He is like a big plushy teddy bear.


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