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Enigma novel Chapter 44

“Daddy.” I barged into the meeting house whining.

“What? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Dad asked as I jumped in his lap.

My stomach chose the exact time to make its discomfort known. Ben snickered and Dad chuckled. I could feel my cheeks heating up.

“Are you hungry princess?” he asked softly.

I nodded puffing my cheeks. I haven’t had any food today. It’s not my fault that my stomach is being so vocal about it.

“Let’s get you home then.”

“What about Ethan?”

“Ben will stay with him.”

“Go home sis or your stomach will end up eating you.” Ben joked. “We will be home soon.

Like he has a right to laugh. He had already devoured everything we brought earlier.

“Uncle Ryder took mom home. She was feeling weak.” I told dad.

“What? Is she alright?”

Dad looked like he was about to start panicking.

“Yup. She is just tired from all this. She said she wants to rest. We will have to cook today dad.”

He looked more horrified at the idea of cooking than he looked relieved from hearing that mom was okay. Then his face lit up.

“Nahh. Cassidy will cook for us.” He said grinning.

“When did she arrive?” I asked.

“Yesterday. When you were fast asleep. Grayson is also with her and …” He hesitated. I looked at him with eyes. Is uncle Austin here too? I haven’t seen Zahra for months. “The Knights came with her.” I gasped in shock. Ben growled lightly behind me. “Alexander is with them.”

Dad looked down, avoiding my eyes. He looked downcast.

It doesn’t matter if he or they all came back now. This is my family now and I am not going anywhere.

“The house must be full then.” I said hugging him close.

“Aria…um… your father is back.” He said hesitating on the last part.


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