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Enigma novel Chapter 6

The week went by pretty quickly and it’s the first day of school. We usually go to school together but it would have to change for this year. The twins are taking one of their cars with the others and I am taking mine to school.

Mom and dad gifted us our own cars on our sixteenth birthday but we usually use only two cars with it being six of us. I haven’t used my car for like forever.

I have to leave early too as the school is on the other side of the town. The school starts at eight so now I am on my way there.

I would be lying if I said that I am not scared. I hope this school won’t be the same as Redwood. At least there won’t be any bullying with the pack children not being there.

I parked in the parking lot and went to my first class of the day, Literature. Mom already got my schedule while she did the procedure of the transfer.

The corridor is starting to get less and less crowded. It made me really nervous as they kept looking at me. Being new in school can be really nerve-racking.

I entered the classroom and went straight to the teacher for him to sign the slip that was given with the schedule. He took it and told me to stand in the front.

I don’t want to introduce myself. Please just start the class already.

“We have four new students joining us this year. One of them is here. The other three must be coming in a minute. We will start the class when they join us.” The teacher, Mr. Cole said to the class.

I shuffled on my feet as I felt the eyes of my fellow classmates on me.

True to the teacher’s words the door opened a couple seconds later and three boys walked in. Three tall and very handsome boys.

What enthralled me more was their size and build. It was similar to my brothers and the pack kids.

Something’s not right about them. I can tell just by looking at them.

The way they walked, the way they presented themselves is screaming non-human or maybe I just might be just overreacting.

They gave their slips to the teacher and stood beside me. I must have looked like a dwarf beside their above six feet height in my five foot four.

“Please introduce yourselves.” Mr. Cole told us.

I really want to murder that man.

“Hi! I am Arabella Astley.”

I am glad I didn’t shutter.

I had changed my surname from Knight to Astley after my tenth birthday. They are my family after all. Eros already had their last name from the beginning as the Knights didn’t object on it.

As the teacher realized that I wasn’t going to say anything else he told the others to introduce themselves.

“Lucas Williams”

The boy with slightly curly black hair and yellowish brown eyes said. They all had tanned skin.

He seems to be some sort of leader of theirs. He was quite build but what disturbed me more was that he was looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. All of them were.

Well rude much.

I didn’t pay them any more attention and starred towards the back wall of the classroom.


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