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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 112

Chapter 112 Searching for Someone 

“Come and sit down to wait,” William pushed a cup of tea towards me and said. 

I was anxious inside, but I knew that anxiety was useless, so I sat down next to him and took a sip of tea. 

Before the tea had even reached their stomachs, the rough and broad voice of Henry came from outside, “Has Mr. William arrived? Quickly bring out our best tea and brew it for Mr. William.” 

In the midst of speaking, someone had already pushed the door open and entered. 

These old hands in the officialdom, as soon as they came in, ran to William with smiles all over their faces, laughing and extending their hands, saying, “Mr. William, you didn’t even tell me in advance that you were coming. Look at me, I didn’t even arrange for someone to properly welcome you.” 

William gave a faint smile, loosely shaking hands with him, saying, “I was idle after returning to the country, so I thought I’d come out for a stroll, have some fun at your place, and also, I was hoping you could do me a favor.” 

Upon hearing this, Henry hastily said. “Whatever you want to play, just say it. As long as you want to have fun, I will create the conditions to make you happy. However, this favor is serious. Mr. William, what could you possibly need my help with?” 

William didn’t beat around the bush with him, he directly said, “A few days ago, a friend of my sister-in-law got lost when they came here, I need you to arrange for someone to help find them.” 




Henry’s face faltered for a moment, turning his gaze towards me, slightly squinting. From the moment he entered, he had seen me. However, this man was shrewd, pretending to be oblivious with a forced smile. 

Hearing William’s words, he finally fixed his gaze on me, pausing with a look of surprise, “This beauty looks familiar. Are you…” 

I didn’t plan to beat around the bush with him, I just said directly, “Tabatha, hello Mr. Boone.” 

Henry’s face stiffened, and he exclaimed in surprise, “Oh, it’s you! You’re Ashley’s sister. I was wondering why you looked so familiar. I’ve been abroad for the past two years and just rushed back. I haven’t had the chance to visit my in-laws yet. How are they doing?” 

I pursed my lips, this person was fond of playing dumb while fully understanding the situation. They clearly knew the current situation of the Conner family, yet they still pretended otherwise. 

Suppressing the disgust in my heart. I spoke, “Yeah, pretty good.” 

He nodded, saying, “That’s good. Someday, after I finish my work, I will definitely go to see the two elders. Please send my regards for me.” 

I laughed, but I couldn’t help feeling a chill in my heart, pretending. 

William seemed to be used to it, just watching coldly, and said, “Since we are all acquaintances, Mr. Boone, please help us find someone!” 

Henry chuckled and looked at me, saying, “Tabatha, you said one of your friends lost something here, what’s the story? You’ve seen the location of my place, it’s quite remote, not many people would come here, and those who do usually walk in openly. Tell me his name, I’ll have someone check. If he’s been having too much fun and lost track of time, causing you to worry, I can remind him.” 


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Pretending to be confused when actually understanding, I guess I was clearly played by him. 

“Rachel, she’s a journalist,” I said. Then I took out my phone, found Rachel’s photo, and placed it directly in front of him. 

Henry glanced at the photo, grinning, “It’s rare for a journalist to come to me. I’m not familiar with this name either. Wait for me to call someone to have some fun.” 

Saying this, he shouted towards the door, “Ethan, come over.” 

“He’s here, he’s here!” Ethan was probably standing right outside the door. As soon as he shouted, a man came in, nodding and bowing, “Mr. Boone, what’s up?” 

After letting him take a look at the photo, Henry said, “Go and see if we have this young lady here. If so, remind her that it’s time to go home.” 


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