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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 143

Chapter 143 Carley’s Apology 

Heard? That’s a subtle way to put it. I smiled faintly and nodded, “Yes, I’ve already signed the divorce agreement. Now, all we need is for Walter to sign it. Then we can go to the civil affairs bureau to get our divorce certificate, and that will be it.” 

She looked at me, her aged eyes slightly carrying an expression I couldn’t decipher, and asked, “Have you thought this through?” 

I didn’t expect her to ask like this. She was happy about my divorce with Walter, in other words, it was what she had been hoping for. But why does what she’s saying now sound a bit strange? 

What does it mean to have thought it through? 

Perhaps she noticed the doubt in my heart, she paused slightly and said, “The incident five years ago, you, Dale, told me about it, and the police station also gave the result. After all, you were also a victim. Plus, it’s been five years since the incident, it won’t cause any waves now. After the last time you had an accident, I’ve been thinking, was it because I interfered too much in you young people’s affairs that you and Walter lost your first child. After all, it was the seed of the Hinton family. Because of my interference, it was gone for no reason. I, I’m about to be buried, if I go to the underworld in the future, Walter’s grandfather might blame me.” 

It was the first time I had seen Carley speak in such a way, her expression sad and moving. For a moment, an indescribable feeling surged within me. 

Couldn’t help but say, “Grandma, it’s all in the past.” 

She looked at me, took a slight breath and said, “I’ve been wanting to 




apologize to you these past few days, Tabatha. I admit I was a bit too harsh on you before. I hope you won’t take it to heart.” 

I hadn’t expected Carley to suddenly say these things to me. Looking at her, she shook her head and said, “Grandma, I don’t blame you, and I never have. You have your own stance to consider for Walter.” 

She sighed, her face slightly heavy as she said, “Tabatha, have you really decided to divorce Walter?” 

She asked the same question again, but in a different way. 

I nodded, giving a response. 

She furrowed her brows, helplessly saying, “Is it because of Ashley’s presence? Or is it because of the pressure I put on you before? Or is it because of the child we lost?” 

I was taken aback, not expecting her to ask in such detail, but I still nodded and said, “There were some.” But more than that, perhaps Walter and I were not meant to continue in the first place. This marriage was wrong from the start, how could it possibly go on like a normal couple? 

She looked at me, seemingly hesitant to speak. After a few seconds, she finally said, “If all the issues you care about could be resolved, would you consider starting over with Walter?” 

I was taken aback, looking at her with some surprise, not understanding why she would suddenly say these things to me? 

Carley’s aged face revealed a touch of desolate helplessness as she said, “We must admit, no matter how much we resist aging, in the end, we will have to reluctantly accept it.” 

Her words were somewhat inexplicable, and I was momentarily 




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