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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 12

  It had been nearly two hours since they had been on the road - Scarlett had remained silent, that cold angry aura still surrounding her. Elijah had tried to make conversation a few times but she gave one-word replies, her eyes never leaving her phone or the window. His own patience was running out and it was taking his all not to snap at her.

  “Want to stop for a break?” He asked, indicating as he got off the motorway and headed into the nearest town. Scarlett had not even noticed he had diverted from the route, it seemed she was always terrible at directions. Something that she was made fun of plenty of times for during tracking training.

  “No.” She said. Elijah frowned and once it was safe to do so he parked up, only then did she look around to see him raising an eyebrow at her.

  “You need a piss?” She said, making him smirk despite the annoyance he was feeling.

  “Seriously?” He scoffed.

  “Well, why did you stop in the middle of nowhere?” She asked frowning at him.

  “Because you’re in a fucking mood and it’s pissing me off.” He said.

  “Shame.” She said, returning to her phone. Elijah frowned, pushing his seat back he unstrapped her. “Hey! What are you doing?!”

  He did not reply, pulling her into his lap roughly. She raised her hand to give him a good slap but he grabbed her wrist.

  “I'm still your alpha.” He growled.

  “Don’t use that shit on me.” She growled back, his cobalt blue eyes glared into her fierce silver ones.

  “Then tell me what the fuck your problem is.” He snapped as she struggled to get off his lap. He held her firmly by her thighs, despite the position making her core ache she was not going to just give in to him so easily. She was not something to be used, she demanded respect.

  “You know what the most annoying thing is, that you don’t even know what the problem is.” She snapped. He looked at her gorgeous face, caressing her waist. No matter how angry she was - although she looked damn sexy pissed off - he didn’t like her being annoyed with him. She glared at him and tried shoving his hands off her but he didn’t remove them.

  “Then tell me, come on. I'm backing down.” He said tersely. As an alpha backing down was a complete foreign aspect to him. His words surprised her too and her heart skipped a beat.

  “This.” She said, gripping his t-shirt and tugged it forward. Elijah frowned, looking down until he saw the smear of red. Realising it must have been from Fiona earlier… Fuck…

  “That’s not what it looks like…. Wait. Why do you care?” He asked smirking, was she jealous?

  “Because even if the option you put on the table is purely sexual… I demand some respect. If you want me then there can't be any other woman in that span of time. I know your past Elijah; you’ve fucked more than one girl on the same day and Fiona’s seemingly been ok with it. But I am not the type of she-wolf who’s going to go cry in a corner because the precious alpha just uses her as one of his side pieces. If you want me to even consider the deal, then let me make one thing clear, it's either only me or you can forget about it.” She said icily.

  Elijah’s smirk was only growing with every word that left her lips. God was she sexy…. Something about her strong personality was a fucking turn on…

  He kissed her neck softly making her tense. Hearing her racing heart he placed more teasing kisses up her neck until his lips grazed her ear, her scent filling his nose.

  “I know you’re not like the rest, that’s one of the reasons I find you so fucking sexy…” He murmured, making her shiver. His one hand stroked her waist the other now caressing her ass as he forced himself back. Her straddling him was only making him want to fuck her right there. It was taking a lot not to get hard although he was failing considerably.

  “This morning when I went to the packhouse, Fiona was in my office… Nothing happened, she tried to come on to me and I told her I'm not interested - there’s someone else on my mind…” He said, surprising himself that he was even bothering to explain whilst running his fingers through her hair.

  Scarlett felt a pang of guilt at her assumption, she pouted tossing her hair. “How do I know you're telling the truth?”

  Elijah smirked she was kind of cute when she was obviously feeling bad. The urge to tease her was only oh so welcome… and he was not going to pass up on it.

  “Well… if I wanted her, I wouldn’t have been jerking off at the thought of you the other night in the shower now would I?” He said, satisfied when a light blush graced her cheeks. Her gorgeous now green eyes widening as she looked at him.

  “Wait… you mean… that night you were thinking of…” Her core throbbed. She thought that it had only been her who had such thoughts about him…

  Elijah smirked as he watched her struggle to say something. She looked into his sexy blue eyes that were filled with amusement, his soft plump lips curled up in a small smirk.

  Her heart thumped. Cupping his face she claimed his lips in a rough hot kiss, sending a rocket of pleasure through him whilst shocking him at her sudden move. He only hesitated for a moment before kissing her back with equal passion and hunger. Their lips moved in sync, both fighting for control with their tongues whilst their lips continued playing with the others. A soft moan escaped Scarlett as she pressed herself down against him, feeling his hardened manhood against her core. Pleasure and desire coursing through them both. Elijah sucked on her tongue before exploring her sweet mouth, revelling in the pleasure along with the fact she had been the one to kiss him first. He knew her answer without her even having to say anything.

  They kissed until they needed air, breaking away Elijah kissed her down her neck, sucking hard at the most sensitive corner, the place her mate would one day mark her… The very thought of her having a mate, at the thought of another male kissing her, made him feel a burning flare of anger rear its head within him. A very strong possessiveness overcame him and he growled feeling his canines elongate. She tensed, moving back. He quickly turned his head away not wanting her to see them.

  “You ok?” She asked, she had sensed the shift in his emotions. He looked into her eyes; his canines now retracted.

  “Perfectly… so I presume this is a yes?” He said gripping her throat slightly tight - yet not so tight that she could not breathe, the move only adding to the wetness in her underwear. He ran his pierced tongue over her lips, making her moan softly as she sucked on the tip. Feeling him throb hard, she ground her body against him making him rest his head back. “Fuck…”

  “It’s a yes… with some rules…” She said, loving the control she had over him, watching him bite back his groans of pleasure as she rocked her hips in a circular motion.

  “Oh yeah? What rules?” He asked huskily, letting his eyes roam over her body as she teasingly rubbed herself sensually against him. Any more and he was going to fucking cum in his pants.

  “As long as we do this, there cannot be anyone else. When we… want to end it, the other has to accept it… We both know this is something that has to stay secret.” She said, her voice slightly breathless. A soft sigh escaping her as the scent of her arousal stole the air and only made Elijah want to fuck her right there…


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