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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 13

  That was not what Elijah was expecting to hear, not even knowing what to make of it he stayed silent, relationships with humans were not really approved of unless they were your mate which was rare, but it did happen, two wolves in his own pack were mated to humans. But even then the procedure was delicate and the mated wolf had to be patient.

  There were several reasons not to date a human if they were not your mate, it put them in the line of danger, more questions would arise and the risk of them finding out the truth was higher. Although they went to a human school there were strict rules about keeping identities a secret, even if no one had a wolf at that age, the strength and speed were a lot more than the average human. He was brought out of his thoughts as Scarlett continued speaking.

  “His name was Aiden, I was 15 when I first met him, I was crossing the road, and I was so lost on my phone with my headphones on, I didn’t notice the car speeding towards me, he pushed me out the way and was hit instead…” she took a shaky breath, there was still a small part of her inside that was kept for her first love. She smiled wryly “I would have healed… but he was a mess, he spent 3 months in hospital thanks to that crazy heroic act… he was in a coma, I visited him a couple of times a week, talking to him, threatening him that he better wake up, that I did not want his death on my head for the rest of my life…”

  She let out a weak laugh, and Elijah glanced at her feeling a strange emotion inside, one he could not put a name to, tempted to stroke her hair but he kept it resting on the steering wheel, running the other through his own tousled hair.

  “Then what happened? Didn’t he have family” he asked seriously. She nodded

  “He had a mom, but she was working overtime to pay the hospital bills, they had moved to England for a better life. I took up tutoring and waitressing as well, I wanted to help, he was in that state because of me, and although his mom never blamed me, that just made me feel worse. She told me he was an aspiring footballer; his dream was to play for England one day. He woke up finally after three dreaded months. and we became friends, it wasn’t… like what we have, it was different, sweet, pure, welcoming, maybe its cause I was just 15 I don’t know… anyway he and his mum refused to take money from me, and he said if I'm truly sorry and want to make it up to him I should go out on a date with him. I agreed and he looked shocked when I did,” she smiled softly remembering the moment.

  “We hit it off… and begun dating for real, those were 4 beautiful months… I gave myself to him on his 17th birthday, and it was perfect, although his dream of becoming a footballer was ruined thanks to that accident, he had some severe injuries… he never let it dampen his spirit, I wish I could have healed him, wish I had the power to help him, but through it all, he kept smiling…”

  She stopped taking a shaky breath and Elijah was shocked to see that she was fighting back tears, she turned her head towards the window.

  “What happened to him?” he asked quietly knowing something bad had occurred.

  “Being the hero he was, selfless, loving and one with a golden heart… his goodness was his end… he jumped into a canal to save two young boys who had fallen in… the weather was terrible that night… he saved them, but he didn’t make it,” she said her voice breaking, thinking - shit don’t cry, not in front of him. She clamped her hand over her mouth trying to stop her sobs

  “We were supposed to meet that evening to go to the movies, it… it was hard meeting with mom and dad not getting suspicious, I had to be careful. He had told me he loved me so many times… but I still hadn't, that night I was ready to say it… but he never came, I was so mad, I was cursing him, leaving him angry voice messages. Threatening I was going to break up with him, not knowing the police were trying to find his body… when I heard that something had happened in the nearby canal, I got a bad feeling, and I ran towards the scene, I-I I got there just when they pulled him out of the water... his gorgeous dark skin looked grey… even before they confirmed it, I knew he was gone,” her voice broke and she sobbed softly trying to suppress them, bending over in her seat pressing her chest to her knees squeezing her eyes shut.

  Elijah felt guilt fill him, when he had returned home two summers ago, she was colder, more withdrawn and lashed out more but it was clear she had grieved and suffered in silence. Did that change her back then? He reached over rubbing her back gently.

  Scarlett remembered the 8 months of her brooding and sadness, not wanting to tell anyone what was up, her parents thinking it was the teenage hormones. She had only begun to heal when Elijah had returned and she had silently begun seeing him differently, he had been the one to heal her heart unknowingly, but on the other hand, it was a love she knew he would never return and that had only caused her pain too.

  “I’m sorry…” he said not knowing what else to say, she was so much more than just a gorgeous woman. And he wanted to know everything about her, not just sexually… but what made Scarlett Malone the feisty temptress that she was…

  They drove in silence, Elijah’s hand not leaving her back, even when she had stopped crying, he still rubbed her back, his touch was not sexual but comforting, welcoming and it calmed her. She did not lift her head, too ashamed that she had shown some weakness in front of him… she had never told anyone about Aiden before. But it felt good to get it off her chest.

  It was only when they entered Lancaster, a city not too far from Kendal that Scarlett lifted her head, looking at the glittering streetlights that lined the quiet streets. It was past 11.30 pm and the streets were pretty dead.

  “There should be a Premier Inn around here…” Elijah said glancing at her, glad to see she looked normal. She nodded not meeting his gaze, not ready to after having cried.

  “There!” she said pointing to the familiar purple sign taking her seatbelt off. Elijah parked up before rubbing his neck, rolling it to get the kinks out, sitting in a car for that long did get your body all stiff, he looked at her as she gathered up her phone and belongings.

  “Red…” he said,

  “Yeah?” she said glancing at him about to look away when he took hold of her chin making her heart skip a beat. She did her best trying to hold his cerulean blue gaze.

  “You’re one of the bravest people I know… It’s ok to feel… I may not have known him… but he was one lucky fucker to have captured your heart,” he said caressing her smooth skin with his thumb.

  Her heart skipped a beat when he leaned in and placed a deep tender kiss on her lips. It was different, not fuelled by lust, his lips were soft, the fresh honeyed taste of his mouth delicious, his intoxicating scent consumed her. A surge of emotions ran through her, she kissed him back with equal softness, both caressing the other lips, as if committing it to memory, each caress… each touch…he pulled back after a moment, hearing her racing heart.

  “You have a thing for forbidden relationships, don’t you?” he teased trying to cheer her up “A human which is not allowed… and now your stepbrother….”

  “Hey this was your idea… and it's not a relationship…” she said her heart skipping a beat, Elijah’s smirk vanished realising what he had said. The same thought went through them both. That kiss they had just shared was different…

  “You know what I mean, involvements,” he said getting out. Pushing the thought of that kiss out of his head, he got the luggage out and both walked into the inn.

  Scarlett excused herself to use the toilets leaving the luggage with Elijah, who booked them in, when she returned, he held up a key card. She narrowed her eyes.

  “You better not give me that cliched ‘they only had one room’ shit that only happens in books and movies” she growled, Elijah smirked,


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