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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 15

  Scarlett had just showered, moisturised and finished blow-drying her hair when Elijah returned. Her heart skipped a beat seeing him stood there. She could still smell their earlier antics on him, not missing how his eyes ran over her.

  Wearing an oversized off-shoulder top with princess Mulan on it and black leggings, she looked good he thought. He didn’t miss the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra, the thought only making his dick throb. Her smooth creamy skin was on show and the marks he had left were already beginning to fade slightly, by tomorrow afternoon they would probably be fully gone he thought. He liked his mark on her…

  “You were quick.”

  “Luckily there was a chip shop around the corner and they were about to shut shop but I persuaded them to take my order.” He said giving her a smirk, he placed the paper bags on the bed next to her.

  “Perfect timing, or were you just abusing your alpha power?” She said rubbing her stomach, only making his attention go to her breasts.

  “Either way you got your chips. Start eating I’ll be out soon.” He said wanting to kiss her sore looking lips, he usually never cared for stuff like that unless it led to sex. Not waiting for a reply he left the room, leaving Scarlett a little confused. She shook her head, pushing the thought aside and opened the bags, her stomach rumbling loudly…

  Elijah showered quickly, forgetting to get his own toiletries he just used hers. The image of her on her knees in front of him, his dick in her mouth flashed through his mind. He groaned - fuck. He had thought he’d be a little satisfied once he had a taste of her but it just seemed to have made him fucking hornier.

  Washing quickly he stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. He had not even brought his clothes in. He wiped the steam from the mirror, looking at his reflection. His gaze falling to the deep red marks on his neck, leaning closer he inspected the scratches. They were as fresh as if he had just gotten them. They should have been gone by now… He was an alpha and they were not even that deep – why weren’t they healing quickly? Remembering what happened to Hank, he grew curious. There was something different about Scarlett - her wolf size, the unique colour, her strength and now this.

  He re-entered the bedroom seeing Scarlett had arranged the food on a plastic bag on one of the beds. She wasn’t eating, clearly waiting for him and browsing the TV. Her eyes shifted to him, trailing over his body. Her core throbbed as she saw the water trickle down into the towel that hung dangerously low on his hips. She licked her lips without realising, making Elijah growl.

  “Don’t.” He said warningly.

  “Don’t what?” She asked raising an arched eyebrow.

  “Don’t lick your lips or I’ll put them to good use…” He murmured coming and sitting on the bed, her eyes widened as she stared at him.

  “Aren't you going to get dressed?” She asked, thinking how was she supposed to focus if he was sat there with just a towel on…

  “Why does it bother you?” He teased mockingly. “Just admit it, I am the sexiest man you’ve ever seen”

  “You mean the most annoyingly cocky guy? Yeah.” Scarlett replied, refusing to help inflate his already huge ego.

  “One you find completely sexy right?” He said. She rolled her eyes in reply. He watched her unwrap her fish and chips and began eating, a soft moan of satisfaction leaving her lips when she bit into a chip.

  “Goddess I'm starved.” She groaned, licking the salt and vinegar off her finger. Not even noticing that Elijah was watching her, wondering how he never really noticed some stuff about her. Her ears were pierced several times including her tragus on her right ear, which he could see from where he sat. She had dimples when she smiled, her lashes were long and her face was pretty expressive.

  He smiled slightly as he too began eating, having bought himself a chicken fillet burger and chips.

  “So, when is your Alpha initiation ceremony?” She asked, turning her gorgeous green eyes on him but trying not to stare at his sexy body. Elijah frowned deeply.

  “Dads delaying it… it should have been finalised by now but he was avoiding the conversation.” He said, his voice cold. Scarlett looked up, sensing the anger and his alpha aura radiating off him in waves.

  “Hey… he probably has a reason.” She said placing a hand on his shoulder, trying not to focus on his sexy body. She looked into his stormy eyes, his frown simply deepening.

  “It’s an insult as if I'm not worthy of being a fucking alpha…” He said coldly.

  “You will be an amazing alpha, I don’t really want to make you any more big-headed than you already are but you clearly care for your pack, you’re mature, fair and you know what's best for the pack. All your missing is your Luna…” She trailed off, a pang of hurt crossing her chest. Her heart raced and she removed her hand looking down at her food.

  Elijah didn’t miss the change in her heartbeat but didn’t comment on it. “Yeah that’s exactly his fucking reason… a fucking Luna won’t make me a better alpha. I don’t need a mate and neither do I believe in love.” He said.

  Scarlett looked at him, she did not agree with him. “That’s not actually true… Dad isn't wrong... You need a Luna. You may not realise it now, but she will be an important part of your life… You say you don’t believe in love Elijah but I'm sure when your mate is before you, you’ll fall unconditionally in love with her.” She smiled, her emotions hidden behind a perfect mask. Hiding the pain of imagining Elijah leaving her suddenly for his mate, she gulped down some orange juice wanting to distract herself from her thoughts.

  Elijah only felt more pissed, the way she was totally ok with him finding his fucking mate… It was clear she did not really give a fuck about him. Just thinking about her with a mate of her own, pissed him off entirely. He had only just got her and he wanted to enjoy the time with her for as long as possible

  “Are you looking forward to finding yours?” He asked coldly.

  She looked at him and nodded.


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