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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 16

  Scarlett awoke feeling very comfortable, snuggled in a pleasant warm cocoon - although something was poking her stomach. Frowning she reached down wondering what was in her bed, grabbing it she shoved it away, hearing a grunt. She froze, realising the thick hard thing poking her was not a random item in her bed, something she realised the moment she had pushed it.

  “Fuck Red!” Elijah groaned, letting go of her and rolling onto his back. The sharp shove to his dick was not the way he wanted to wake up, Scarlett covered her mouth stifling a giggle.

  “Oops sorry... but why the hell are you in my bed?”

  Elijah raised an eyebrow, his eyes still full of sleep as he looked at her and making her heart skip a beat as she realised she was living a dream. She had just woken up in Elijah Westwood’s arms…

  “This is my bed, you came on to me sweetheart.” He mocked, pulling her against him. She grabbed his bare shoulders looking into his eyes, not expecting the sudden move.

  “I don’t know, that’s hard to believe…” She said suspiciously, trying not to focus on his dick that was pressing against her lower stomach nor the way his body felt against her, sending pleasure to her lower regions.

  “Mm, there’s a lot of things that are hard to believe… one being that you Red are so fucking sexy, it’s still kind of mind-blowing.” He murmured kissing her neck sensually, rewarded by a low moan. He flipped her onto her back, her racing heart loud in both their ears, her chest rising and falling. About to kiss her, they were interrupted by the sound of her phone began ringing.

  “Fuck that’s mom.” She said recognising the tune. Pushing him off she rushed to the phone she had plugged in last night. “She’s video-calling, stay out of sight!”

  Getting into her own bed, she pulled the bedding over not wanting to risk any of last nights marks showing. Taking the call, she gave her mom a small smile.

  “Hey mama.” She said yawning, Elijah smirked from the other bed watching her.

  “Hey honey, I didn’t get one call from you yesterday and Jackson said Elijah hasn’t been in touch. You two are ok, aren't you?” She asked concerned.

  “Yeah perfectly.” Scarlett said, her stomach knotting as she saw Elijah get up stretching, her eyes running over his muscular back. God was he handsome…

  “Scarlett? Is Elijah there?” Jessica asked seeing Scarlett looking elsewhere, Scarlett’s eyes widened for a second.

  “No, I just woke up, I was just looking at the time.” She replied smoothly, daring not to look at Elijah who was now smirking as he opened his bag.

  “Ah ok, well honey please be obedient, he is your future alpha, keep that in mind.” Jessica said, Scarlett frowned as Elijah nodded his head in silent agreement to Jessica.

  “Mom if he’s a jerk I'm not going to bow down to him.” Scarlett said, now frowning at her mother who seemed to be busy measuring flour.

  “Scarlett… Like I said - respect and obey him. You may be his sister but still, he was so sweet and mature to take you along on this trip, so please don't make it hard for him.”

  “OK mom I get it, Elijah is the perfect little alpha I need to obey. Can I go now? We need to head out and I need to get ready.” Scarlett said curtly, her mother and Elijah were both irking her.

  “Ok love you.” Jessica said sighing in defeat. Scarlett hung up and tossed her phone on her bed as Elijah smirked coming over to her.

  “As she said, obey your Alpha. Wanna get down on your knees for me?” He teased.

  “Fuck you, Elijah.” Scarlett said not in the mood.

  “If that’s what you want.” He said, about to get on the bed when Scarlett jumped out the other end. Grabbing a cushion she tossed it at him hard, he caught it smirking as she stormed to the bathroom.

  “You are such a jerk.” She grumbled.

  “And you’re just moody as fuck in the morning.” He said, the slam of the bathroom door was his only reply. He smirked in amusement; it really was fun to rile her up, now he remembered exactly why he liked to piss her off…


  It was more than an hour later and they were on the road, the playful mood from earlier was gone. Scarlett’s mood was completely off with the thought of her father and even Elijah knew not to push her. He did not know exactly what she was going through but he knew it wasn’t easy.


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