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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 17

  Scarlett looked up in shock, never had she felt such power rolling off Elijah as she did just now. It was like a tidal wave had just hit her with full force, emanating from him in waves. Although her mind was screaming at her to put some distance between them, her instincts were telling her differently, she knew from the calmness within her that her wolf felt safe with him too.

  She turned her attention back to the monster before her. Zidane Malone – Alpha of the Desert Storm Pack… the cold-hearted beast who was meant to be her father…

  He was the first to look away from Elijah, neither males reigned in their power and it was clear from the other wolves around Zidane that they were being affected by it.

  “Scarlett… it’s been years, won't you greet your father?” He said, despite the ever so casual remark, there was nothing normal about it. His eyes looked murderous and the chilling tone to his voice screamed danger.

  “I don’t see anyone around worthy of being called my father… let’s cut to the chase, why did you send your men to track me down?” Scarlett asked, her voice cold but compared to her fathers it sounded like a welcoming melody.

  “You’re the future heir of this pack… of course I would come to search for you.” He stepped closer and Elijah growled warningly.

  “You wanted me dead, don’t give me this bullshit, cut to it Zidane.” Scarlett spat, not caring for respect. The other wolves visibly paled seeing her blatant disrespect and Elijah secretly smirked. He liked her confidence.

  Zidane said nothing, eyeing the young woman before him. He did not care for her, he hated the fact she was not born a male, however he needed to know if the prophecy was correct… Was there really something special about her? If it was then he would keep her by his side…

  “Let’s talk over lunch.” He said coldly.

  “I wouldn’t eat anything served by you.” Scarlett replied, “If we’re talking it's here.”

  Zidane frowned, his eyes turning a dark forest green and a threatening growl came from his throat. “Do not push me you little wench, I’m the alpha here. This is my land and if I wanted you dead you would be dead already.” He hissed.

  “We came here, so don’t fucking mess around and tell us what you want with her. You're clearly healthy and young enough to run your pack. What do you really want?” Elijah spoke, his power clear in his tone. Zidane’s dark eyes flashed glaring at him.

  “This is between me and her, stay out of it.”

  “He’s my alpha, he has every right to speak.” Scarlett shot back.

  Zidane growled “I'm your Alpha!” He thundered stepping towards her, his claws and canines elongated. Scarlett smirked bitterly. He was still the psychotic maniac he had always been, simply hidden behind a mask.

  One of the men stepped forward, he seemed familiar but Scarlett couldn’t place him.

  “Scarlett… I understand you do not wish to be here, however, please listen to the alpha, he only wishes to talk.” He said, his voice was calm but neither she nor Elijah missed the plea in his eyes.

  Zidane’s eyes flashed as he turned.

  “Never. Interrupt. Me!” He hissed, advancing on the man who had spoken. The man bowed his head as if he knew what was to come.

  “Fine! We’ll come.” Scarlett said stopping Zidane in his tracks. A cold smirk crossed his face as he looked her over then at Elijah.

  Without another word he began walking off the way he came. The six wolves waited for Scarlett and Elijah to begin walking before enclosing them in a semi-circle. Elijah's power making them feel uncomfortable.

  ‘The man's fucking crazy.’ Elijah’s voice came in her head.

  ‘You haven't seen anything…’ Scarlett mind linked back, heaving a sigh. This was going to be a long day…


  Half an hour later Scarlett and Elijah were sat around a large dining table with Zidane and his Beta Cade in a place that had once been her home. The mansion had not changed too much. She could see the renovations, the upgrades, but it was still the same hellhole she had grown up in. The luxurious modern interior was a beautiful mask covering the brutality and horrors that were committed in these halls.

  And it seemed continued to be committed, the Omegas that served lunch were underfed, clear marks covered their bodies from frequent beatings. It disgusted Scarlett. In their pack Omegas, who were naturally the weakest of wolves, were still treated with respect. Yes, they worked for the higher ranked wolves doing the chores and tending to their own fields of crops and produce but they were paid for their services, involved in all pack events and treated with respect. It was clear things had gotten worse here. Where her mother used to treat them with kindness despite her father’s manic ways, they were now seemingly treated worse than slaves.

  “Thank you.” Scarlett said to the young woman who placed her plate down. Her eyes met Scarlett’s, the dull grey full of pain and hope. She seemed familiar too… but once again Scarlett could not put a name to the face. She had buried every memory she had of this place and she felt a bit guilty for forgetting even those who were innocent.

  “Get out!” Zidane hissed throwing his steak knife at her, Scarlett caught it between two fingers, her eyes flashing. The young she-wolf scurried from the room in fear.

  “If you want me to listen you will not abuse anyone in my presence.” She hissed placing the knife down. Elijah watched her a feeling of dread filling him, he knew Scarlett enough to know she would not be able to turn a blind eye on this…

  “This is my pack wench.” Zidane said his murderous eyes set on Scarlett. Cade watched the exchange; curiosity clear in his eyes.

  “I didn’t say it wasn’t.” She shot back. Elijah placed a hand on her thigh, stroking it gently trying to calm her. So far, she had not displayed her alpha aura, something he wanted to keep up. He was sure if Zidane knew there was something special about Scarlett, he would not let her leave so quickly.

  “What did you want to see her for? We’re here… so tell us.” Elijah said as Zidane began helping himself to some steak and potatoes. The rest followed suit; the food came from the same platter, so they trusted it enough. Although Elijah sniffed it before eating.

  “You are my heir like I said, I think you should at least get to know your pack. One day this will be yours, it is all I want. I send this useless piece of trash to get you but clearly he wasn’t able to bring you back.” Zidane spat glaring at Cade.

  “I apologise for my uselessness Alpha.” Cade said bowing his head.

  ‘There’s a lot more going on here than I was expecting…’ Elijah mind linked Scarlett.

  ‘I know…’ She replied, this was her birth right… A pack that was being abused… Was it not her duty to protect them? With the growing guilt consuming her, she ate little. It was tense at the table, with only Zidane seeming to enjoy his meal.

  When they had finished Scarlett looked up at him. “If you want me to get to know your pack, then I will stay for a short time but I have no interest in being your heir.” She said, making Elijah look at her sharply. Zidane smirked coldly.

  “We’ll discuss that later, Cade show them to their rooms. You will stay as my guests.” He said, his eyes glinting coldly. He stood and left the room suddenly. Elijah looked at Scarlett wondering what she wanted to do.

  ‘We’ll talk later…’ Scarlett mind linked. Elijah gave a curt nod. Cade stood up glancing around.

  “I’ll show you to your rooms… I appreciate you coming here, but you shouldn’t have…” He murmured, Scarlett frowned.

  “You’re the one who showed up and told me he was looking for me.” She said as she and Elijah fell in step with Cade.

  “Yeah… I didn’t know the reason then…” He muttered.


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