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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 24

  Elijah frowned, the man had clearly lost his sanity as he spewed nonsense, his eyes fixed on Scarlett.

  “I would never side with you and your sadistic ways.” Scarlett said.

  “Yes, you will! I am the reason you are on this fucking earth!” He hissed, his canines elongating.

  “Keep pissing me off and it’ll be your heart I tear out!” Scarlett shot back, her eyes turning a steely silver. Even her wolf seemed on edge. She could feel her anger towards Zidane, although her presence only became known in her head when she turned 18 she knew the pain this man had caused Scarlett. The abuse she had suffered at this man’s hand, most that she had blocked out, to the extent even her own mother never knew of. But she wouldn’t be afraid of him, not anymore, she wasn’t a little girl anymore.

  Zidane growled in anger, his Alpha aura rolling off him in waves. Elijah was next to follow, staring him down but all eyes turned to Scarlett, the strong energy that rolled off her was growing stronger and more noticeable, perhaps not as strong as Zidane’s or Elijah’s but it was impressive.

  “So, it’s true…” Zidane said, once again his anger vanished and was replaced by a mad glint of excitement in his eyes. Walking around the table he inched closer to her, Elijah growled warning him to stay back. Sensing something from behind Elijah spun around as the woman and Cade had moved to lunge at them with syringes containing wolfsbane.

  In a flash Elijah transformed into his huge light brown wolf, slamming Cade across the room with his paw. Cade shifted into his own wolf, leaping back at him although he was visibly smaller than Elijah. Elijah growled, flinging the woman across the room with one swift swipe. She went flying but was up instantly, she may not have had her wolf but she was strong.

  Scarlett looked at Zidane. “I came here as you wanted and you thought you could try to double-cross me? Fuck this!” She spat.

  She shouldn’t even be surprised she thought, what more could she have expected from him? He had always been a psychotic monster. She ran at her father just as Elijah shouted at her to be careful through the mind link.

  Scarlett ignored him, shifting mid-air into her stunning silver-grey wolf. Zidane watched in crazed awe as she lunged at him, he didn’t shift, his eyes trained on the huge wolf that lunged at him. Raising his hand he grabbed her by the neck, the force of her lunge knocking him back a few steps but he retained his balance.

  His hand partially shifting, squeezing her neck. Before he could do more Elijah’s wolf knocked into him, throwing him to the ground, a dangerous growl ripped through the room. Elijah’s enraged eyes glaring into Zidane’s strangely calm yet excited eyes.

  They could just end this now Elijah thought, ready to tear his head off. Cade barrelled into him, knocking him off Zidane just as the door burst open and several other wolves burst into the room, rushing to their Alpha.

  Scarlett leapt past them, her speed impressive. They shifted aiming to protect Zidane. Scarlett growled, her Alpha power rolling off them making them hesitate, feeling the pressure.

  Zidane watched her, even though he was commanding his men, her link to the pack was making them hesitate. His manic smile plastered on his face never faltered, even when she slashed him across his chest, rage burning within her. He simply watched, welcoming the pain as if he were looking at a miracle before him. Two wolves lunged on her back and Elijah who was fighting four, threw them off coming to assist her.

  In the commotion no one noticed the woman grabbing the wolfsbane syringe, making her way to Scarlett in a robotic-like trance. Her aim and her order were to inject Scarlett and she would do as she was commanded no matter the cost.

  Her eyes never left the silver wolf as she inched closer, more wolves were joining the fight and Zidane simply stood there watching in manic ecstasy at the bloody mess before him. Three wolves were already dead, one by Scarlett’s hand the other two by Elijah’s. Things had gotten messy fast.

  ‘Red!’ Elijah shouted through the link seeing the woman lunge at Scarlett but it was too late, she stabbed the syringe into her. Just as she did Elijah bit into her waist, shaking her viciously and crushing her bones within his mouth as he tossed her to the ground like a rag doll. Scarlett’s wolf crumpled to the ground as she was forced to shift to human form.

  “Fuck…” She groaned feeling the wolfsbane burn her insides, it felt like an inferno was building within her. She tried to push herself to her feet, her vision swaying. She saw Elijah fighting the wolves, growling, his Alpha power weighing down on them but their own alpha’s orders overruled Elijah’s. They would fight the Alpha wolf until they or he were dead.

  She looked at Zidane who now grabbed her by her arm, dragging her to her feet.

  “You are mine.” He said, his voice echoing in the room like a sinister promise of doom. His canines elongated.

  Elijah turned his eyes, widening in horror as he realised what the Alpha was about to do… and there was no chance that he would reach her in time. Rushing towards them he could only watch as Zidane viciously ripped into Scarlett’s neck where her mate was meant to mark her, tearing through her creamy neck violently as he forced his mark upon her.

  She screamed in pain as her vision blackened. Elijah’s deafening howl echoed in the room, seeing red as he ripped through the wolves heartlessly. Lunging at Zidane, only for three more wolves to block him. He looked at Scarlett’s bloody body that lay crumpled on the floor, her eyes filled with pain but she was losing consciousness, only her sheer willpower kept her awake.


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