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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 25

  Zidane glared down at the body of the Latina woman, she was barely alive, he wanted to tear her to bits but she was rather useful and she had injected Scarlett with wolfsbane. He smiled coldly, placing his foot on her head. A small whimper left her lips and he pressed harder.

  “Because of what you managed to do… I will let you live a little while longer.” He said. Using her as a stepping stool he stepped over her, sending an eruption of pain through her under his weight.

  The wolves who had meant to chase Scarlett and that wretched Alpha were cowering as they knelt before him in a line. Despite the blood splattered across his suit and the deep scratches that Scarlett had left him with - Zidane looked calm and composed, but all the men there knew that a calm Zidane was dangerous.

  “None of you were able to stop two kids… two fucking kids…” He hissed, his voice poisonous as he approached the wolves. Cade too knelt there despite his injuries.

  “Alpha they had help-” The man did not live to finish his sentence as Zidane ripped his head from his body.

  “I do not need incompetent wolves to serve me!” He spat, moving on to the next one his claws came out and he ripped the man's heart out.

  “I need wolves who are strong… and get the fucking job done!” As he spoke he went along the line; gouging one man's eyes out, tearing the next one's intestines out, another one lost his arms and legs. Some died instantly others writhed in agony before death came.

  Cade was the only one left after Zidane was done murdering eleven men, several had been killed by Rafael's men and now another eleven were gone. Cade looked at the hall that now looked like an ocean of blood, the coppery smell strong in the air overcoming the smell of fear that had lingered previously. Things were only getting worse…

  “Fools, all of them.” Zidane said glaring at Cade. “Find out the name of the Alpha who helped them.”

  “Yes Alpha.” Cade said bowing to him before he got up and staggered from the hall. Zidane turned back to the woman.

  “Maya… get this place cleaned up.” He said to the woman who was barely alive. “If it’s not done soon, you’ll be joining them.”

  She struggled to get up, Elijah had hurt her brutally and her bones would need time to heal.

  “Y-yes Alpha…” She rasped out. He did not look back as he walked towards the stairs and headed upstairs to his office, leaving bloody footprints in his wake…

  Entering his office he sat on the chair not caring to turn the light on, placing his feet on the table he crossed them at the ankles. Taking out a cigarette he lit it, only the glowing ember of the cigarette filled the otherwise pitch-black room.

  How had he not seen Scarlett’s abilities as a child, the signs had been right in front of him…


  Scarlett walked through the Alpha’s mansion as silently as possible. It was dark, night had fallen long ago, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky outside. She had no idea what time it was. Her heart thudded in fear, her father was out on business and should not return for the next two nights but she was still breaking the rules by being here, Indigo was just so hungry. They had not eaten for the last two nights because their papa said they deserved to be punished.

  She would quickly sneak to the kitchen, get some bread and then rush to the attic again. Their mama was in bed again - Papa had punished her for being disrespectful. Whenever she was punished, she would be in bed for many days but Scarlett knew that already, she too was punished often. That was a secret she could not tell anyone. If she did, her papa promised he would do the same to Indigo and it was her job to protect her baby sister.

  Unknown to the little eight-year-old, the Alpha she feared was sitting in the lounge in the dark, puffing on a cigarette. Having returned from his trip early.

  He heard the small footsteps on the stairs. His eyes flashing, oh how he hated being disobeyed. He knew who it would be before her little head of strawberry blond hair even came into view. She didn’t even look towards the lounge, silently tiptoeing towards the kitchen. The worn-out cotton nightgown she wore was far too thin for this weather.

  Zidane stood up, a cold smile made its way onto his otherwise emotionless face. He was rather bored… and he did not really want to play with a woman… now this would be a lot more fun. He walked into the hallway making his way to the kitchen, where the little eight-year-old was tiptoeing to open the cupboard.

  “Well well well… looks like there's a little rat on the loose.” He said, his voice dropping an octave. Scarlett froze, her heart thundered so loud Zidane could hear it from where he stood and oh how it excited him.

  She turned slowly, the smell of fear growing in the kitchen. Her long waist-length hair fell around her shoulders, her usual pale skin looked ghostly as she saw the tall man that stood there leaning against the kitchen door.

  “Papa…” She whispered, her lip quivered, her eyes stinging with tears. “I’m sorry! I was hungry.” She dropped to her knees bowing to her father, she wouldn’t dare mention Indigo.

  “Now now, we both know a sorry isn't good enough, wouldn’t you agree my little princess?” He said walking over to her. He crouched down, stroking her little head before his hands painfully twisting into her hair. “One sound and I will make sure both your mother and sister suffer the same.” He hissed. She clamped her mouth shut, her tears flowing down her cheeks. Not daring to utter a sound.

  He wrenched her up by the hair and stood up, not caring that he was dangling the child by her hair. She tried to grab his wrists, to ease the pain as he took her out of the mansion and into the garage.

  “Please papa not there.” She begged in fear.

  “I said zip it!” He hissed, entering the garage. He led her past the cars, stopping at the door that was locked at the back. Scarlett knew what was coming, this was what he called her special punishment room.


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