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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 26

  The middle-aged woman silently stepped out of the hospital room, it was past midnight and Scarlett had just had her full check-up, they were currently at Rafael’s pack hospital. Both Alphas turned to her, tension clear on both their faces, Elijah had told Rafael exactly who Scarlett was and how Zidane had marked her.

  “How is she? Can I see her?” Elijah said shooting to his feet. His hair was dishevelled from running his fingers through it repeatedly.

  “Alpha… please calm down.” The head doctor said giving him a stern look. “First of all, the wolfsbane must have been very minimum, there was barely any trace of it in her blood.”

  Elijah said nothing, he knew it was a lot, but he had a feeling it was to do with Scarlett’s special abilities.

  “To be honest, the speed she healed at is faster than even an Alpha.” She said, her eyes looked a little intrigued but she simply sighed.

  “So that’s good news, right?” Rafael said.

  “I’m afraid there’s bad news too. The mark on her neck… it’s poisoning her, I am not sure how it occurred but it never should have happened.” She said.

  “Martha… What do you mean poisoning her?” Rafael asked seeing Elijah stood there, emotionless. He did not miss the slight tremble in Elijah’s hands.

  “Something about the very nature of the mark goes against our blessed Goddess, that much is clear, it should never have been placed upon her. Her body is fighting it, impressively might I add, if she was a normal she-wolf I would presume she would be dead by now.” Martha said, Elijah growled threateningly and Rafael placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “She’s alive and fighting it.” He said calmly.

  “Is she at risk?” Elijah asked, his voice harsh yet strained. The woman looked at him sympathetically.

  “She seems to be… for now. All her wounds are healed and her body is fighting this, however I do not know if it will have an adverse effect on her. Only time will tell. However, if her mate can mark her the mark will disappear as her true mates will take its rightful place. I would say to mark her when she awakens Alpha.” She said to Elijah bowing her head politely.

  Elijah felt a stabbing pain in his gut, how he hated this. “I’m… we don’t know if we’re mates…” He said wishing the blood moon were here already.

  The doctor looked visibly shocked but hid it quickly. “Oh… I see...”

  “Can I… if I marked her… it wouldn’t help, would it?” Elijah asked, desperation and pain clear in his eyes.

  The woman shook her head. “If you were to turn out to be her true mate, it may work, but the risk is too high. Two marks upon her neck and neither belonging to her true mate may end up killing her, I doubt that’s a risk you would want to take…”

  Elijah turned away licking his lips in frustration, clasping his hands behind his neck he looked at the ceiling closing his eyes. No, it was not a risk he would ever take.

  “What if I killed the fucker?” He said looking at the woman. She sighed.

  “Tell me Alpha, when one wolf dies does the mark disappear from the other?”

  “No.” Elijah said, his eyes flashing dark cobalt blue. The woman flinched feeling his Alpha aura rolling off him in waves.

  “Hey… Elijah… chill.”

  “T-then that is your answer Alpha I am sorry… there is nothing more I can offer.” She said apologetically, genuinely feeling bad for the Alpha who was visibly in pain regarding the woman inside. “You can see her.”

  Elijah said nothing, walking to the door he entered the hospital room. His heart thudding in his chest, the pain was more than he could put into words. In the dimly lit room, she lay there, looking to be in a peaceful slumber. A thin pale blue hospital gown covered her body, a linen sheet covering her to her waist. Her chest rose and fell with each breath she took.

  He walked over to her slowly, each step felt heavier, as if he were wading through tar. The guilt that he had not been able to protect her eating him up inside.

  He dropped to his knees near her bed, his eyes falling to the mark on her neck that had now formed. He had seen it before, the same roaring wolf with a slash down its left eye. The very same mark that graced Jessica’s neck before she had it covered with several tattoos, even then the mark shone through in the deepest shade of black possible.


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