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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 63

  Scarlett entered the hall; her heart was thundering so loudly she wondered if everyone could hear it. Angela suddenly froze, gripping Scarlett’s hand tightly.

  “My mate…” She said. Scarlett’s eyes widened looking at Angela who was scanning the crowds. A tall slender woman with blond hair in an elegant updo and deep blue eyes stepped towards them, dressed in a deep pink coloured gown, her eyes widening as she looked at Angela.

  “Mate.” She said softly, her eyes flashing when she saw the girls intertwined hands. “Mine.” She growled, making Scarlett pull free and raise her hand in surrender. She was shocked to say the least, Angela had a female mate. She never knew Angela was bi.

  She looked at her friend who looked shocked too, staring at the woman who now stopped in front of her.

  “Hi, I’m Cassandra.” She said, holding her hand out. Angela just stood there stunned, the woman before her was beautiful but she was not expecting a woman...

  “Uhh… Angela.” Angela said confused, sure she had a few crushes on women over the years but never thought much of it. She appreciated a hot woman when she saw one and the one before her was indeed ravishing. She let her eyes dip lower taking in the woman's curves, feeling her stomach knot and quickly looked back into her eyes. The woman smiled seeing this and Angela quickly took her hand, gasping when she felt the sparks.

  “Beautiful name for a beautiful woman.” Cassandra said, leaning forward she kissed Angela’s cheek as Scarlett simply stood there too shocked to speak. Angela now looked at Scarlett, confused with the emotions that went through her and the feelings that swirled in her chest.

  “I’m Scarlett, Angela’s best friend.” Scarlett said trying to help her friend out. Cassandra seemed to relax a little at this, still holding Angela’s hand.

  “Nice to meet you, mind if I steal my mate?” She said. Scarlett shook her head, not missing the conflict in Angela’s eyes. She felt a little concerned for her friend, someone who had never ever mentioned her interest in women before was now blessed with a female mate. She watched the two women walk off and hoped Angela found happiness with her mate.

  “Now that, I wasn’t expecting.” Liam’s voice came from behind her, Scarlett turned not missing the disappointment in his eyes. He looked her over, she wasn’t his mate. The moment he had seen her across the room, it had hurt but he wasn’t sure how to feel about it. Relieved that she would not need to reject him? Or sad that he had no chance? Smiling softly he looked into her soft green eyes. “You look beautiful by the way.”

  “Thanks, you look good too.” Scarlett said, her nerves playing up realising Elijah must be nearby. Liam looked at her understanding what she was thinking about.

  “He headed outside.” He said motioning with his head at the open doors on the far side of the hall.

  “Thanks…” Scarlett said, giving him a small smile trying to calm her nerves as she made her way through the crowds of people. So many scents filled her nose but nothing stood out. With each step she took her heart thundered louder, pausing when she saw the open doors, her chest rising and falling as she slowly made her way closer.

  There he stood in his perfectly fitted black suit, his back to her, his hands braced on the rail. But it was the surge of emotions that coursed through her when she looked at him that made her stop in her tracks. A dangerously intoxicating scent enveloping her, it was completely new, never had she smelt something so good. She took a deep breath noticing Elijah’s normal scent was mixed under the overwhelmingly tempting scent that now came from him, making one thing crystal clear.

  He was her mate.

  She placed a hand to her chest as if trying to calm the emotions that swirled in her chest. Happiness, disbelief and relief, the moon goddess hadn't let her down. She had granted her the greatest blessing she could ever hope for. She was brought out of her thoughts when he spoke.

  “I Elijah Westwood, future Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack reject you as my mate and Lu-”

  “Don’t say it.” She said breathlessly, her heart racing as she looked at him. Elijah froze, that voice… His heart raced as he slowly turned to look at the woman who had spoken.

  There she stood looking like a Goddess, her glittering dress accentuating every curve of her divine body. Her vibrant locks were pulled back and her large green eyes glistened as they looked at him with shock clear in them.

  “Red...” He said, his voice hoarse; He could feel the bond sizzling between them, the pull to take her in his arms and kiss her driving him nuts. No matter how much he wanted to hold her, he was too stunned to move. She was his and he was hers. Even the goddess had fated them to be.

  Scarlett stepped forward closing the gap between them, her eyes locked with his blue ones, feeling her wolf going crazy in her mind. She was a mere two feet away when Elijah seemed to come back to reality and closed the gap between them. He pulled her into his arms tightly, burying his nose in the crook of her neck. She gasped feeling the strong sparks jolt through her, sending pleasure to her core. If she had thought he had an effect on her before, what she was experiencing now was more than anything she could have ever imagined.

  “You’re mine, you’re fucking mine.” Elijah said, his strong arms tightening around her. He kissed her neck, the urge to mark her taking over and he pulled away looking into her eyes for a split second before his lips crashed against hers. Scarlett’s eyes fluttered shut as the wave of emotions and sensations hit her strongly. He kissed her with everything he had, she could barely keep up with him as he devoured her with that kiss. He had kissed her many times but there was something about this one that would forever burn in her mind. He kissed her with passion yet at the same time as if she was a glass doll that may break if he was too rough. She could feel the strong pool of his emotions through the bond, enveloping her like a blanket.


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