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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 64

  Elijah’s heart skipped a beat, those words resonating in his head. She loved him. He cupped her face, leaning down he kissed her so tenderly it made her breath catch in her throat. Never had his lips moved so gently against hers, no lust or desire was fuelling it, it was an innocent yet loving kiss full of passion and emotion. She kissed him back until an annoying nasally voice interrupted them.

  “Oh my god, yuck! What are you two doing?!”

  Scarlett moved back as she looked at Kiera standing there with a very bulky werewolf who towered over her, his eyes full of admiration as he watched her.

  “We’re mates.” Elijah said cockily. “Although even if she wasn’t I’d still make her mine.”

  It took Kiera a moment to realise what he said, gasping she stared at them. “You two were… fucking?”

  “That’s none of your business Kiera, so why don’t you and your lovely mate move along?” Scarlett said, the man now blinked and gave a sheepish smile.

  “Sorry I'm Drake. Nice to meet you Alpha Elijah, Luna…” He trailed off not knowing Scarlett’s name.

  “Scarlett…” She offered, it still felt surreal.

  “You marked him!” Kiera shrieked now running over to them to stare at Elijah’s neck, a look of pure jealousy crossing her face. Scarlett turned to Elijah’s neck, her heart skipping a beat to see the wound had healed up. In its place was a tattoo of a wolf with its head raised up, the mark itself looked like it was shimmering a dark grey. Her wolf, her mark. She traced her finger over it, sending a shiver of pleasure through him.

  “It looks good on you.” She said.

  “Oh yeah? Can’t wait to mark you too.” He said pulling her close, not caring that Kiera was standing there looking furious. He kissed Scarlett’s neck as Kiera grabbed Drake’s hand and led him away. “Poor guy.”

  “I know.” Scarlett said wincing. “Shall we go dance?”

  “Sure, I want to flaunt my mate off.” He said, kissing her hand before leading her inside. Scarlett looked around wondering if anyone else had found their mates.

  “Angela found her mate.” She said to Elijah as they began swaying on the dance floor, her arms loosely around his neck. His hair that had been style perfectly now looked rather messy from their little play from earlier, although he still looked dangerously sexy.

  “Great, any idea who he is?” He asked, his gaze dipping to her cleavage.

  “She. Her name’s Cassandra.” Scarlett said, Elijah’s eyes widened in surprise.

  “Wait what? I never knew she’s- wait… have you two ever-”

  “What! No! I don’t think she even knew! She looked shocked! Besides she’s my best friend, what goes through that mind of yours...” Scarlett scolded, Elijah frowned.

  “But she’s seen you naked right…” He said, Scarlett raised an eyebrow.

  “Seriously? Are you jealous right now Elijah?” She said frowning despite wanting to smile at the pout that was on his face. He looked almost adorable, as if someone had robbed him of something precious. He licked his lips, showing off his pierced tongue for a moment and sighed.

  “Ok fine, I’ll try not to get jealous…”

  “Yeah, you better not.” Scarlett said as Elijah spun her out and pressed her ass against himself.

  “Do you blame me kitten? When I have the sexiest woman on the planet in my arms, of course I’m going to be protective.” He said kissing her neck softly, his touch soothing the burning stinging that lingered beneath the foundation. Now that they were going to face her father together, he could mark her right? He wanted to ask her but didn’t want to ruin their moment so instead he spun her around before dancing sensually with her once more.

  It was a good half an hour later, with plenty of teasing and grinding on the dance floor. Elijah was ready to get out of there but Scarlett was too busy eating. He didn’t complain, just watching her was enough and he wanted her to have plenty of energy for tonight because the night sure was going to be long…

  “Scarlett!” Both turned to see Angela walking over to them, alone.

  Scarlett frowned. “Where’s Cassandra?”

  Angela looked at Elijah before looking away. “We exchanged numbers… I told her I’ll get to know her… I thought I’ll come to tell you I’m leaving, I had your phone so couldn't call, are you two mates?” She asked clearly not wanting to talk about her own mate. Elijah smirked pulling his collar down proudly.

  “Wow you didn’t waste any time Scarlett.” She said with a small smile. Neither missed the flicker of sadness in her eyes. Scarlett walked over to her, placing her plate down.

  “Give her a chance Angela, you never know what this might lead to.” She said softly to her friend. Angela simply nodded before she left the hall.

  “So… Shall we call it a night?” Elijah asked, pulling Scarlett close as he kissed her lips softly. Scarlett looked up into his eyes nodding, her heart racing. He held her around her waist as he led her out of the room.


  They barely made it through the door of Elijah’s hotel suite, already undressing one another. Elijah lifted her up making her eyes widen.


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