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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 67

  “We need to get out!” Liam shouted as he punched through the roof. Shifting and ripping the side of the car off. No one needed a second warning, Elijah scooped Scarlett up, lifting her out of the car before placing her down and turning to face the 12 large masked werewolves that were now facing them. Before any of Scarlett’s group could even attack they threw something on the ground and Scarlett stumbled back as the strong smell of wolfsbane gas filled her senses.

  ‘Fall back!’ Elijah shouted through the link. ‘Scarlett!’

  ‘I’m ok, I’m-’ She was cut off when she felt something stab into her side and her vision went black.

  ‘Scarlett!’ Elijah called, trying to sniff her out with the strong wolfsbane that was tearing at their insides. He ran forward sensing Scarlett’s scent moving away, shifting as he leapt from the smoke and tore out the heart of one of the wolves. Scanning the area he saw Scarlett being thrown in a car before it zoomed off. Fear and panic filled him like the gas that surrounded them, he couldn't lose her.

  “No!” He shouted about to run after it when three wolves blocked his way, anger blazed through him, no one was taking his woman from him. He attacked them in blind rage, tearing two to pieces before he stopped as he gripped the throat of the third. They needed one alive…

  He looked around seeing the other three finishing off the werewolves that were left behind, none of the three had been able to shift thanks to the gas and even Elijah could feel the effect it was having on him. Aaron held one and looked at Elijah.

  “Alpha, do we need someone to talk?”

  ‘One is enough’ Elijah replied through the link before he ripped the werewolves head from its body. He looked towards the distance; the car was long gone. They needed to regroup, track and head to Zidane’s pack immediately. Shifting back, he walked over to Aaron.

  “I need a phone, tell the packs what's happened and tell them to step on it, I will contact Rafael.” He commanded, taking Aaron’s phone from him. His heart raced wildly, despite the calmness of his tone his heart and mind were a tornado of emotions. Scarlett had been taken, if anything happened to her… He took a deep breath, he would not let fear engulf him. This time he would save her…


  They didn’t head to Rafael's pack, instead making their way straight for Zidane’s pack. Aaron had been left with the wolf to get any answers on where exactly they were taking Scarlett. The fact they had been ambushed meant that Zidane knew they were coming. But how? And how did they know what car Scarlett would be in? Questions that had no answers but Elijah vowed to himself that he would find out exactly what happened. There was no chance it could have been from Candice because that wouldn’t have told them what car they were in and if there was someone within Elijah’s own pack that betrayed him then they would pay dearly…

  They reached Zidane’s pack in record time and although he had driven dangerously fast once they were picked up, it had still been a few hours since he had last seen Scarlett. More than half the allied wolves were with them, with a quarter going around the back to close in on them and a smaller number consisting of the best tracker wolves had tried to follow if any tracks or scent was left behind although the chances were very slim.

  They parked at the edge of Zidane’s territory of thick trees, there was no choice but to go by foot.

  “We’re right behind you.” Rafael said, as his brother stepped out from behind him scanning the trees.

  “Thanks… Although I don’t think he should be here… We need to shift.” Elijah said, they would be a lot faster in wolf's form. Alejandro glanced at him, his lip curling slightly.

  “I can keep up.” He said. Rafael looked at his brother then at Elijah and simply nodded. Elijah said nothing, he didn’t want to put both brothers at risk with them being the only heirs to their pack but he knew how stubborn Rafael was and Alejandro was at a whole other level.

  “Well then let’s go.” Liam said. He too was in a mess of nerves thinking how he hadn't been able to protect her… He should have protected her.

  They shifted and began running towards Zidane’s pack, Elijah’s eyes widened in shock as he saw Alejandro running ahead at a speed that was inhuman even for a werewolf. He felt a chill go down his spine, there was something off about the boy, no human or wolf could run that fast… Elijah sped up trying to outrun the boy, he inched faster but the boy still kept pace with him until both were running side by side.


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