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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 68

  Elijah turned and saw Candice standing there barely able to support herself, the injuries on her body were shocking. It seemed those in the morbid packhouse hall were the lightest injured.

  “You need to see a doctor…” Elijah said, seeing the blood the woman was losing.

  “He killed them all.” She whispered. “You don’t have time, the cavern is 20 miles from here, not far from the River Kent. I can mark it for you on a map.”

  The man holding her made her sit on the ground as he shouted at someone to bring a map. Elijah opened a map on the phone in his hand and crouched down holding it out to her.

  Her shaking hands reached for it. Elijah zoomed in around River Kent and Candice began to move the map as she looked for the location.

  “He’s your son.” Elijah said. The woman didn’t even falter at the statement, simply sighing.

  “Yes, a shame isn't it. I gave birth to a monster, nothing to be proud of.” Her voice was clipped despite how weak she looked and sounded.

  “It doesn't define you, you’re Scarlett’s grandmother and I'm sure she will be happy to know she has you.” Elijah said quietly. Candice looked up giving him a weak smile before she motioned to the phone.

  “It’s around there, you won’t miss it. They would have had to travel by foot at the end.”

  “Thank you.” Elijah said standing up. “I want those with any knowledge in first aid to stay behind!”

  Candice and the man supporting her looked up at him surprised. Elijah raised an eyebrow.

  “This pack belongs to Scarlett and I will take care of what is hers.” He said softly, his heart clenching painfully at the fact she wasn’t here.

  “Thank you, Alpha Elijah, please save our Alpha too.” The young man next to Candice said. Elijah nodded.

  “Harrison knows where the cavern is once you get there, although he isn't a state to walk. Perhaps if someone can carry him?” Candice suggested, looking weakly over her shoulder as she motioned to a teen boy.

  “We can do that.” Elijah said motioning to Liam to get the boy before walking off, they had no time to waste…


Chapter68 The Mad Alpha 1

Chapter68 The Mad Alpha 2

Chapter68 The Mad Alpha 3


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