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His Human Mate novel (Amelia and Xavier) novel Chapter 13

Amelia's POV

I knew he was behind me. I stood up and turn around facing down. The closer he came, the stronger was his scent. His scent was seriously a blessing and a cruse.

It made me so happy when I smell his scent, yet it drives me crazy. It was the only thing of him I can have. No one else can smell his scent except for me.

"How are you kids feeling?" he asked looking at the kids. "We are fine. Thanks to the Luna." one of the boy said. He abruptly nodded his head.

He took a deep breathe before leaving. I turn around to see his retreating figure. From what I can see he has a slight graze on his arm, which is already healing.

I sighed in relieve. He was ok. I am happy that he is safe. I was so worried that something might have happened to him. Knowing he was ok, was such a relieve.

I played with the kids for awhile before going to my room. My head was spinning but I wouldn't tell that or else, they'll make me go back to the infirmary.

I was walking up the stairs when at the last step I felt as if I was going to fall when someone caught my arm. I felt tingles from the touch.

I steadied myself before looking to see who helped me and got shocked. It was Xavier. He let go of me once I steadied myself.

He gave me a slight nod and left. I saw him going down the steps. Once he left my sight, I recovered from my shock and squealed like a little girl and ran to my room.

I did a happy dance when my head started spinning again. I lay in my bed letting my dizziness go off. After some time it went off and I was better.

I stood up to take a shower as I reeked of the infirmary. I wore my grey romper and decided to take some rest. My head was literally pounding.

I feel like I slept for hours when I heard a soft knocking. I pushed my duvet away and open the door to be engulfed into a hug.

"Thank goddess you are alright." Noah said as he checked for injuries. I laughed at his concern. "I am alright. All in one piece." I said twirling.

He chuckled. "You on the other hands, are not." I said pointing to the graze at his arms. "They'll heal." he said nonchalantly.

Of course they would. Stupid werewolf healing. I let him come in. "Did you get that checked?" I asked him worried. "Yeah Alpha King made sure all of us were checked."

I smiled at that. He maybe ruthless but he cares for his people immensely. "Your head looked pretty bruised up. You sure you are ok?" he asked concern pointing to my bandage.

"I am fine. I promise." I said assuring him. "What happened though?" he asked me questioningly. I sighed as recited everything that happen.

To tell that he was shocked would be an understatement. "That's so cool. I didn't know, you knew combat fighting." he said exclaiming.

"From everything I said, that's all you get?" I asked amusingly. He let out a nervous laugh. I looked to see his wound was almost healing.

I asked him to take some rest and as he left. I was starting to feel bored. I heard Nathan saying there was a library here and decide to check it out.

I wear my fluffy sandals and went to the library recalling how to get there from what Nathan told me. Hopefully I am not lost.

By goddess's grace I wasn't lost and found the library even though it took me 15 minutes, I still made it. This place is literally like a fortress.

The library was pretty huge. I am pretty sure there's every kind of books here. I went to look through the books, I picked a random book and sat in the couch and started reading.

After about half and hour, I heard a soft music bring played. It was melodious. It was attracting me. I put down the book and went towards the direction of the music.

As I went closer, the clearer the music was. It was a piano music. I took one last turn, and came to a hall. I saw a figure sitting in front of the piano.

Due to the darkness I was unable to figure who it was. But with the little moon light, I came out with the facial features. It was Xavier.


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