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His Human Mate novel (Amelia and Xavier) novel Chapter 14

Amelia's POV

*2 months later*

"Ow" I groaned as I was laying in my back. Noah has me pinned down. I quickly kicked his leg making him fall to my side and pinned him.

"Lost." I said grinning and stood up up. I gave him my hand and helped me up. He grinned as he stood up. We both were grinning like maniacs.

Its been almost 2 months since the war with the witches and I started training. There have not been much troubles in the pack.

Only few random rogues crossing the borders. But that's all it is. Training with Noah has been great. At first he was holding back.

But once seeing how good I was, we were both getting on it. I have defeated him quite a lot of time, even after him using wolf strength.

We have even used daggers and weapons to trains. At first Noah hesitated but then agreed. I have even fought him off in his wolf form. His wolf was ashy brown. It was so nice.

Xavier and me, well what can I say. He has not yelled at me or anything. But he continues avoid my existence. Only casual nods in front of the pack members.

Everyday, I go to the library, just to listen to him playing the piano. At times he wouldn't. But I still go there hoping I could listen, and mostly sleeping in the library listening to his music.

Xavier, Nathan and some of the warriors has gone to Xavier's cousin pack. He was the only family member left from Xavier's family.

Except for his mum. His mum. I really wanted to go and visit her. But no one has ever been to the east wing, except for a maid. She doesn't like visitors.

But I decided that after Xavier and the rest left, I will be going to see her and no one is going to stop me. Once my training with Noah, I am going to get ready.

Wrapping up our training, I went back to my room to shower. Not before playing with the children. Every weekends, I spent time with the kids playing hide and seek or doing some kind of activity.

I dressed up in a turquoise dress that went mid thigh. I went to the garden and picked a pot. I filled it up with sands. Then grabbing some of the flowers, I planted it in the pot.

I remembered Nathan saying Xavier's mum was the one who planted the garden. Once I was satisfied with the flowers, I walked towards the East Wing.

There were some guards there, but I managed to sneak pass them. Thanks to the flowers, they covered my scent. As I entered, I started to search for her.

I tried to listen to her heartbeat. After walking a flight of stairs, I managed to hear a faint sound. I went towards that sound, and it lead to a room.

I entered the room, slowly. It wasn't just a room. It was a chamber. It was all white. I was looking around the room, that I didn't realise the person lying in the bed.

I gasped at the sight. She looked weak, yet she is the most prettiest woman I have ever seen. She was simply beautiful.

Coming out of my daze, I walked towards her. I cleared my throat. "Luna Queen?" I called. I don't think she heard me so I called again.

"Luna Queen?" she managed to hear me as she scrunched her eyebrows. She slowly woke up. Upon seeing me, she tried to sit.

I helped her sit up properly. She was about to talk when her voice came out rough. I poured her some water that was there and gave it to her.

She drank and gave me the glass and I it back. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" she asked me with confusion. I passed her the flower pot. She took it and gave me a questioning look.


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