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His Human Mate novel (Amelia and Xavier) novel Chapter 15

Amelia's POV

Everyone stood frozen in their spot. Anyone in the room could feel the tension. I looked at Xavier to see that his posture was rigid and tensed.

There was anticipating to see what was going to happen. His mum slowly turned towards him. She was on the verge of crying.

"Xavier." she said as her lips trembled. The moment she said that, Xavier's posture become soft immediately. His eyes became wide.

"It can't be." he said disbelievingly. "Mum?" he asked questioningly. She nodded her head as she walked towards him. She stood right in front of him.

"I am so sorry for abandoning you son. For abandoning all of you." she said looking at everyone. There was a smile on everyone face. I couldn't contain my own smile.

"But hereafter, I am going to be here for all of you. I promise." she said looking at Xavier. To everyone surprise, Xavier hugged his mum, pulling her close to him.

He looked like a child, who just found his mum after being lost for so long. Everyone started leaving, wanting to give the mother and son, their moment.

I watched them as I left. I have never seen him show this much emotion from my time here. It warmed my heart and made me so happy.

I gave them one last glance and left. I went to the backyard to be with the kids. The kids were waiting for me, and the moment they saw me they started squealing asking me to play with them.

I spent the afternoon with the kids, playing and helping them plant. Soon kids became tired and we went back inside.

Their mothers thanked me for keeping the children entertained. I went back to my room to clean myself. As I was walking in the hallways, I saw Xavier's mum. She came towards me smiling.

"How are you dear?" she asked me sweetly. " I am good." I said back. "Thank you so much dear." she said honestly. "For what?"

"For making me understand what I had missed." I just smiled at her to that. "Can I ask you something dear?" I nodded my head.

We were walking towards my room, when she asked me the question. "Why are you and Xavier, distant?" I froze when she asked me that.

"What? No." I tried to lie. But she saw through my lie. She gave me a pointed look. I sighed. "Its complicated." I said not wanting talk about it.

"Is he bad to you?" she asked worried. My eyes went wide. "What? goddess no!" I said immediately. "He is a good man, Luna." I said smiling assuring her.

She smiled proudly. "I know you guys will figure things out. And please, its Karen." she said to me. I smiled at her. After some time she left and I went to freshen up.

I went to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich. I wasn't in the mood to eat. The maids insisted they would do it. But I convinced them I could do it.

I was chit chatting with the maids while doing my sandwich. They were quite funny as we laughed and made jokes. At first they were closed off. But after some time we laughed and talked.

After having my sandwich, I went to the library and took a book to read. As I was reading the book, I dozed off.

I woke up few hours later, and saw it was 1am. I stretched and went to put back my book. As I was walking towards the exit of the library, I smelt Xavier's scent.

I looked around the library and saw him standing, facing the window. I was shocked to see him here. Did he know I was here? Did he come here out of coincidence?

Not wanting to disturb him, I slowly walked away, when I heard his voice, "I know it was you." he said suddenly startling me.

I froze in my spot. I didn't understand what he meant. "W-What do you mean?" I asked him confused. He slowly turn towards me.

"My mother, it was you. You went to talk to her." he stated. I didn't know what to say. I just stood there not saying anything.

He took slow steps towards me. "Why?" I looked at him confused. He took in a deep breathe. "Why did you went to talk to her?"

I just stood there not knowing what to say. Honestly speaking, I didn't know myself. I didn't know why I went to see her. Why I talked to her.

What I do know is, I wanted him to be happy. Because... I love him.


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