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His Human Mate novel (Amelia and Xavier) novel Chapter 24

Xavier's POV

It has been 1 week, since Amelia return. Everything is going well. She has taken up her role as the Luna Queen. The entire Kingdom, has known about the return their Luna Queen.

Everyone is so happy. Noah, Amelia's friend has found his mate too. She was from the neighbouring the pack. Everyone is happy and nothing is going to destroy that.

Amelia's memory has not return, no matter how hard she tries. A part of me, wants her to get back her memory so that she can cherish her happy memories.

But the selfish part of me, wishes she never gets them back. I am scared she would hate me, after the way I treated her, and I love what we have now.

Whatever happens, I am never letting her go. I will fall in her feet for her forgiveness. I don't think I can live without her love.

We were now currently, doing the pack paper work. Paperwork is something I dread. No matter how much you do, they never stop piling.

But with the help of Amelia, it has become easier. She is helping me as much as she can with the paperwork. At least to her understanding which I am so grateful.

"I think we are almost done." she said examining the table. I looked around and she was right. Almost all the paper were done. Finally.

We both quickly finished the last few. "Finally." I said sighing. "They weren't that bad." Amelia said making me glare at her playfully.

"I am famished." I said rubbing my tummy. "Come on little one. Lets go and have dinner, shall we?" I said extending my hand to her.

She quickly grabbed my hand and we both went to dinner. My mum, Nathan and Angela were already there. They greeted us the moment they saw us.

We chatted while we ate, laughing at jokes. We told them about our day and what we had been doing. And once we were done, we bid goodnight.

I went to answer some phone calls that needed to be attended urgently. After I finished them, I went to search for Amelia and saw her in the third floor balcony.

I creeped from behind and hugged. She giggled when she noticed it was me. "What you thinking?" I asked her as she stare at the sky.

"How lucky I am?" she said. "For what?" I asked in confusion. "For you. I am so lucky to have you." she said. I stared at her astonished.

"Its me who is lucky. I am the lucky one to have you. To cherish you. To... love you." I said to her. I said those words to her finally.

"You love, me?" she asked pointing to herself. I smiled and nodded my head. I waited anticipatingly, waiting for her reply.

"Xavier?" she called me. "Yes little one?" I asked cupping her cheeks. "I think, I think I love you too." she whispered. My eyes went wide with her confession.

"You do?" I asked unbelievingly. She nodded her head. I embraced her into a hug. I picked her up and twirled her around as she squealed in joy.

"You made me the happiest man alive, little one." I said putting her down. "Thank you so much." I whispered to her.

I then realised how close our face. Too close. I looked at her eyes before looking at her pink lips then back to her eyes.

I slowly start to lean in. One of my hand was in her neck while the one was wrapped around her waist. To my surprise she was leaning in too.

The moment our lips touched, fire works exploded as I closed my eyes at the sensation. It was something that I have never experienced. It was the best feeling till today.

I continued to kiss her, not having enough. It was sweet. So sweet. Her lips were so soft. I was melting into the kiss. My arms wrapped tighter around her waist.

Suddenly, I felt her struggling against me. I open my eyes to see her tearing. I didn't understand. I quickly let go when she pulled herself away from me.


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