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His Human Mate novel (Amelia and Xavier) novel Chapter 25

Amelia's POV

I groaned as I woke up with an headache. I don't understand why I have such a headache. That's when I remembered from last night.

Me getting back my memories. Xavier tried to kill me. His own mate. How could he do that? I am his mate.

But the worst part, I still don't see him as a monster. The past week, the person who I know, he was a different person. The man I always wanted him to be.

I don't know who is the real person. All of this just giving me a headache. I hear a knock and asked the person come in. It was Angela.

She came in giving me a small smile. I return the smile back. "How are you feeling now?" she asked as she sat next to me.

"Well I feel like I have been ran over a bulldozer. And don't get me started on the headache." I said as she chuckled. She gave me some water as I gulped the water.

"Why don't you take a shower and come. We'll talk later." she said as I nodded my head and went to take a shower. I have no idea what Angela is going to ask me.

And am I able to answer them? I had so many thoughts. But I got rid of them and quickly showered and put on my white shorts, Baby blue tank top and grey hoodie.

My hoodie smelt different. I shrugged it off and went to see Angela sitting in the same place as just now. She smiled once she saw me.

She stood up as I walked towards her. "You ready to talk about, everything?" she asked to make sure I was ready.

I pondered on that thought. Am I ready? I don't know really. But I got to do it sooner or later. The faster I get over it, the faster I can move on.

I nodded my head at her. She smiled at me. "Lets go to Xavier's office. Everyone is waiting there." The moment she mentioned Xavier's name I tensed.

"Hey its going to be ok. I promise." she said holding my hands. I just nodded my head. "Come on." she said tugging me. I followed her like a lost puppy.

As we stand outside his office, his scent hits me, making me tense. The very scent that used to bring me so much happiness, scares me.

With one last deep breathe, I entered following Angela. As I entered, everyone's head turn to me. Including his.

"Amelia." he whispered sending shivers down my spine that I barely heard it. I looked at everyone, offering a smile, except him. I tried to avoid eye contact with him.

Truth be told, I was scared. I don't know what am I supposed to expect, hate or love? So the best option I could come up with is to avoid him.

My mum, dad, Nathan, Noah, Avery and Jason was there along with him. I slowly made way to them as my mum pulled me into a hug.

"How are you, honeybee." my mum asked making everyone chuckle. "I'm fine mama." I said giving everyone there an assuring smile. Except for him.

"Why don't we all take a seat and then you can tell us what happen?" Nathan suggested as I nodded my head. We all took a seat in the couch.

Except for Xavier. He stood rooted to his spot. Everyone was looking at me, waiting for me to explain. But before I could tell, Nathan started to talk.

"Before you can tell us what happened, let me tell you what we know." Nathan said and I nodded my head. Its better that way.

"After that day you were kidnapped, we received a link to a live video. When we clicked that, the witches showed you, how bruised up you were.

We immediately had people tracing you down. We saw everything, Amelia." Nathan said as he was almost on the verge of breaking.

Angela helped to calm him. After taking a deep breathe, he calmed down. "After the man hit you, you weren't breathing. We thought you died.


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