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His Human Mate novel (Amelia and Xavier) novel Chapter 3

Amelia's POV

Today is the ball. Everyone is in a rush wanting everything to be perfect. People are running around the town. I understand why people are in such a rush but, personally I wasn't really interested.

I wanted meet my mate in a romantic way. Not in a ball. I was also afraid that my mate was going to reject me due to me being a human. It always scared me.

I shrugged off those thoughts. "Hey princess." my dad greeted me. "Hi papa. "So I have talked to the college principal and he said you can join on Monday." my father said making me smile.

"Oh my goddess thank you papa." I said hugging him. He just chuckled at me. "No problem." "You excited for the Ball?" my dad asked me.

I just shrugged my shoulder. This made him confused. "Why not?" I sighed. "I am scared." "Scared of what exactly?" he asked confused.

"W-What if my mate reject me due to me being a human?" I asked sadly. "That will never happen. Only a fool will do such a thing."

"You are pretty, smart and such a kind person. And even if he does that, than he is not worthy of you." my dad said trying to comfort me. I smiled at him sadly.

I helped my father with some work and went to my room. Angela told me she will come over so that the both of us can get ready together.

I facetime some of my friends back in England while waiting for Angela. All of them missed me and so did I. Hopefully I get to see them again, soon.

Just when I ended the call, I heard a knock in my door. "Come in." I called the person in. Angela walked in as she closed the door behind her.

"Lets get ready shall we." she said excitedly while I chuckled at her shaking my head at her craziness. "Fine. But promise me you'll not put too much make up."

She pouted at me but I gave her the stern look. She rolled her eyes. "Fine." she huffed. We started with her first as she already had an idea of what look she wants.

She did smokey eyes look with a red lipstick. She looked absolutely stunning. We then moved on to her hair where we curled her hair and tied it into a ponytail.

After being done with everything, she went to change into her dress. After waiting for sometime, she came out wearing her burgundy dress.

When I saw her, my mouth were wide open. "You look stunning, Angela." I complimented. "I know." she said flipping her hair. We laughed at her cheekiness.

Soon she started on my make up. I closed my eyes upon her order as she did my make up and hair. It felt like hours till she finished.

Once she was done, she ushered me to my closet and asked me to wear my dress and come out. I did as she told me. Once I came out, I heard Angela gasp.

"You look hot!" she said making me blush. "T-Thank you." I said making my cheeks red. I wore my white sandals while Angela wore her red heels.

Just when we went down, Nathan came entered the house. "Wow." he said looking at Angela. I giggled at Nathan face.

Angela went towards Nathan and gave him a peck in the lips when Nathan pulled her in for a kiss. I smiled at them. Soon they pulled away and he whispered something in her ears which I couldnt hear.

"Wow baby sister. You look pretty. Now I have 2 ladies that I need to protect. Great." my borther said with a frown. Both Angela and me burst out laughing.

Once we got everything we needed we left for the Ball. We got into Nathan's car as he drove us to the Ball. Since it has only been 2 days I have been here, I am not really sure of the routes.

Hence Nathan offered me a ride which I gladly accepted. The last thing I want is getting lost. "I really hope Xavier finally finds his mate." Nathan told Angela. Who's Xavier? I thought. Maybe its one of his friends.


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