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His Human Mate novel (Amelia and Xavier) novel Chapter 4

Amelia's POV

Everyone seemed to be so nice. So many of them has already found their mate. I was so happy for them. Everyone looked happy having to find their mate.

I have been walking around for sometime before going out to take some air. I looked around and saw a garden it was so beautiful. As I was about to go and see, I heard my name being called.

"Hey what are you doing outside? Come on in." Angela called me in. I nodded my head and went inside. The moment I went inside, I smelled vaguely an intoxicating smell. It smelt of chocolate and the forest.

It was too vague for me to put my finger on it. I wanted to go after the smell but I couldn't pin point it. So I shrugged it off. I went towards Angela and saw she was talking to some girls.

"Angela I am going to the washroom." I said as I excused myself. Luckily I was able to find the washroom. After doing my business, I came out only to smell the same scent as just now.

It was mouth watering. I followed the scent and hit something that seemed to be a wall. I stubbled back a bit before holding myself off.

When I looked up, I almost gasped. I saw the most beautiful eyes ever. Then I knew who it was. My mate. But what I realised was the power that was radiating off of him.

He held power like no other Alpha before. He's the Alpha King. I gulped when I realised that. No way. When I looked into his eyes, my heart broke.

It held embarrassment and disappointment. He let out a threatening growl before turning back on his heels and walking away.

I fall down in the floor, tears threatening to spill. I knew this is what was going to happen. He is going to reject me. Tears spill down my cheeks.

I sat down there for sometime before going back to the ball room, knowing Angela will be looking for me. When I went inside, I saw Angela looking for me.

I went towards her before masking a smile. "You ok? You were gone for some time. I was worried." she said looking worried.

"Its nothing. Just was feeling overwhelmed that's all." I lied. She nodded her head slowly. Just then I heard a thunderous roar.

When we looked towards the sound, it was the Alpha King. "EVERYONE LEAVE. NOW." he roared making all of us submit to him.

Without waiting another second, all of us left. I wanted to look back at him. But I fought that urge and left the place without saying another word.

Angela drove me back home, before going to the pack house. All the while I kept silent not wanting to say anything. Angela seemed worried about me but I told her it was nothing.

Not wanting to pester me, she let it be. As soon as she dropped me, I quickly went inside my house and ran to my room. Lucky for me, my parents were already asleep.

The moment I reached my room, I let out all the tears that were threatening to spill. My worst nightmare came true. My own mate rejected me.

It was an horrible pain. I can't believe this is actually happening. He is after all the Alpha King and would want a strong she wolf by his side and instead he got me.

A mere human. I was angry at myself. Why did I have to be human. Why? I was crying for hours before exhaustion took over me.

The next morning

I woke up with pain all over my body. I open my eyes to see I was lying in the floor. I didn't understand why before everything from yesterday came flooding back to me.

Tears threaten to spill again but I did not have the energy to cry anymore. So I wiped my tear stain face and went to my bathroom. I took a quick shower before, putting on a tank top and shorts as I put a baby blue jacket.

I went down to see my mum and dad doing breakfast. They looked so happy giggling and laughing. Looking at them made me sad immediately.


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