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His Human Mate novel (Amelia and Xavier) novel Chapter 7

Amelia's POV

I woke up the next morning, getting ready for college. It surprised many that at 16 years old, I am able to go college. But thanks to me finishing High school earlier, I am able to go to college earlier.

I grabbed my bag pack and exited the room. I went one floor down to Nathan and Angela's room. Nathan offered to give me ride since college was a bit farther from here.

I knocked on the door when the door open revealing Angela. "Hi Amelia. Your brother is almost ready." she said letting me in. Their room looked bigger than mine. It was the Beta Chambers.

"Hi baby sister. Ready to go?" he asked as he hugged me. I nodded my head as we said bye to Angela. We went to a lift and went down. "I didn't know that there was lift here." I asked astonished.

He just smiled sheepishly. Once we reached the 1st floor we got out. We walked to Nathan truck as we both got in. As I got inside a breeze of air hit me. That's when I smelled his scent.

I looked around to see him training in the field. There were so many others, but my eyes only focused on him. He was doing combat fighting.

He easily took down his opponents. It made me proud of how strong he is. Before I can think anything else, Nathan started driving. I looked back to the front and trying to forget his thoughts.

I have to come to terms that all I am here for is the pack. We will never be anything more. But my heart doesn't want to agree with it.

It wants more. It needs more. It has this hope that one day, we will be happy together. I wished it was true. But its not. But I have decided something.

I will not give up. Once the war between the witches and us are done, I will try whatever it takes to make him happy.

I will fulfil my job as a Luna and his mate. I didn't realised we have reached. I said bye to my brother and went inside.

I went to my locker and got my things. "Boo." I heard someone scare me as I screamed softly. When I turn around it was Jason. Avery was smirking beside him.

I glared at the both of them. They started to burst out laugh. "You are so cute." Avery said to which Jason agreed.

I just shook my head and we walked to our class. It was fun being with Avery and Jason. They were so funny and were the trouble makers. They are literally the perfect match and no doubt that the moon goddess made the right choice.

In my case however it was different. I sighed getting rid of those thoughts. The entire day I spent with them, I totally forget about everything.

Alpha King, coronation, mark. I was laughing happily with them as we got caught making troubles. Soon college was over and both of them offered to drop me off.

I seriously should go for driving lessons. "So guys are y'all excited for the coronation tomorrow. There is no college for werewolves due to the coronation."

The moment Avery said this, I froze. "I wonder who is our Luna Queen." Jason add in. Should I tell them? I sighed deciding not too. Its not like they'll believe anyway.

I told them that I live in the palace with my brother. At first they were surprised. But dropped me off outside the palace. I made my way inside and finally got inside my room without having to see the Alpha King.

I quickly freshen up and wore a black sweat pants with a black hoodie. Not knowing what to do, I decided get some of my homework done.

After an hour I was finally done, when my stomach growl. I decided to get some food, but realised that I have no idea where the kitchen is.

I went to Nathan's and Angela chamber. I knocked on the door and Angela came to open it. The moment she saw me, she smiled widely.


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