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His Human Mate novel (Amelia and Xavier) novel Chapter 8

Amelia's POV

It’s coronation day and I am a nervous wreck. Everyone is preparing for today. What many don't realise is that, as the coronation day is closer, so is the war.

The war is in less than 5 days. I know most of them are prepared for what is about to come, but still having my mate go to a battle doesn't settle with me.

I heard the door knock and asked the person to come in. Angela walked in, holding a dress that was covered up.

"Ready to see your dress, Amelia?" she asked cheerily. I tried to smile but failed miserably. She sighed as she sat beside me.

"Don't worry. Its going to be alright." she said assuring me. "What if its too late for things to be alright?"

"What do you mean?" she asked confused. "The war." She understood what I was I saying. "There is nothing for you to worry about."

"I am scared. What if I lose him? Forever?" I asked slightly scared. "I don't care if he likes me or not anymore. I just want him back alive." I said as a lone tear drop.

She took my hands into hers. "Look, I don't know much about him. But from what I know, he never loses. Ever. You have nothing to worry about."

I nodded my head. "Ok. Shall we see the dress?" she said as she squealed. She opened the cover as I gasped. It looked amazing.

It was a silver dress and had feather on it. It looked simply amazing. "It looks amazing. I can't wear this." I said scared. I might be damage it.

"You have to. All the Luna's wore this for their coronation. The silver dress represent the Silver Moon Pack." she explained.

"How do you know so much?" I asked her quizzically. "Well your brother of course." she said in the 'duh' tone. I chuckled at her. She closed the zipper of the cover.

"Later, I will come back to help you and get ready." she said smiling. I nodded my head. I looked out window and saw him training. Not wanting to get caught, I looked away.

I took a book and started reading to pass the time. I was reading about the history about werewolves. It was interesting to read. About how Goddess Selene created us.

That's when I stumble upon mates. It has how the mate bond is the most strongest bond in the world. How sacred it is. Reading about it made my headache.

I closed the book and decided to take a nap. I fell asleep hoping the mate bond will help us.

"Amelia wake up." I heard Angela's voice. I groaned as I woke up. "Come on wake up. Its time for you get ready." she said helping stand up.

"Go and take a shower while I prepare everything." she said pushing me inside the bathroom. I dragged myself to shower. I was still half asleep.

When I got out, Angela quickly drag me and made me sit down. She started taking brushes and palettes. Before she could do anything I stopped her.

"Light make up." I said sternly. "Oh come on its your coronation day." she insisted. "Its either light make up or nothing at all." I said sternly. She glared at me but yet agreed.

She first did my make up and move onto my hair as she straighten my hair. When I take a look in the mirror, I looked and felt different.

"Ok go on put the dress." she ushered me into the closet. I went in and carefully put the dress. I was so scared that I might damage the dress.

Once I was finally inside the dress, I tried to put the zip, but I couldn't reach I went outside and saw Angela getting ready.

"Hey Angela can you help me with the zipper?" I asked in a shy tone. "Sure dear. Come here." she said as I came forward and put the zip for me.

"You look amazing. The dress fits you perfectly." she said as I turn around. "Thank you." I squeaked out. "Alright time for me to put my dress." she said as she brought her dress along with into the closet.


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