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I Kissed A CEO And He Liked It! novel Chapter 1

Walking into The Second Diamond Hotel, Gabrielle Taylor held her head up high. Her long and beautiful legs strode the property lobby while wearing a striking sapphire dress, flowing down two inches above her knee.

Despite a simple three-fourth casual wear, her gorgeous frame and small face added to her allure.

She walked confidently in black heels, with every intention of crashing into the engagement party of her ex-boyfriend and best friend - now, also an ex-best friend!

On her path, she came across a little girl who seemed to have lost her way. Despite her emotions above the roof, she halted her steps and approached the little girl.

“Hey, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Gabrielle asked, seeing water welled-up in the girl’s eyes. “Are you lost?”

Gabrielle had a sweet tooth, and she often carried a lollipop with her in her bag, and after seeing the young girl, she grabbed one from her purse and gave one, “Here, don’t be sad now. Tell me, what’s wrong.”

Something in Gabrielle must have sparked the little girl’s interest that she immediately smiled. Accepting the lollipop, the girl said, “Big sis, do you want to meet my uncle?”

A scoff left Gabrielle’s lips before a smile became clear in her expression. She tried to hold back her laughter and answered, “No, dear. I need to fry some snakes right now, but let me bring you to the front desk so they can help me find your parents – “

“There you are, Kim! Why did you leave suddenly?” A man in a white shirt and black coat came to fetch the girl.

The man saw the girl holding a lollipop, and he took it away with a warning, “Never accept candies from a stranger!”

Gabrielle thought the man was good-looking, but given his actions, he looked more arrogant in her eyes. Her lips twitched in disagreement before she scolded the man, “Mister, you need to take care of your daughter! How could you lose sight of her? What an irresponsible father you are!”

She gave one last glance at the little girl and after seeing how she extended her hand to the man; she believed that he was indeed the father.

Before the man could say a word, Gabrielle simply said goodbye to the little girl and turned her back, leaving the man astounded.

Setting aside the thought of the irresponsible father, Gabrielle soon found the two-carat conference room. Her eyes darted at the poster, set on a canvas stand. It read, ‘Warren Foster and Camilla Clark’s Engagement Party.’

Warren was her boyfriend of two years and Camilla Clark was her best friend. It was just a week ago when Warren broke up with her without any reason and had her fired from her part-time job!

Earlier that day, she learned through a common friend that Warren and Camilla were having their engagement party that very night!

The two people she trusted the most betrayed her, and she was completely oblivious!

With this in mind, Gabrielle approached the hotel staff, watching over the door.

“Your invitation, please, miss?” The man asked.

“Sure,” said Gabrielle with a smile. She grabbed the invitation and handed it to the hotel staff.

There was a clear doubt coming from the man on guard that he asked, “Thank you for coming, miss… Dylan Harper. Let me show you to your table.”

The doors opened for her, and Gabrielle took a deep breath, knowing it was going to be a crazy night. Her heart was beating faster, and she felt herself chickening out, but recalling her pain, she followed through on her plans, walking in with a smile on her face.

She came in just in time. Dinner had already begun, and everyone was busy with their sumptuous meals.

After taking her seat, a hotel server took Gabrielle’s preferred set menu and said, “Would you like some wine, miss?”

Pouting her lips, she asked, “Is it included in the package?”

“Yes, miss. The couple booked several bottles for this event,” answered the server.

“Okay, then. I’d love to have wine,” Gabrielle answered.

She sat in a group, coming from the higher ranks of the media company where she previously worked for, The BNC Media Center. She could hear them whispering, clearly talking about her as she drank from one glass to another.

Gabrielle barely touched her food and focused more on getting the courage to do what she was about to do.

After her 5th glass of wine, her eyes roamed the entire venue and finally found Warren and Camilla. They were happily chatting with their parents at a table up front. At that point, the engaged couple had not seen Gabrielle just yet, but it did not take long for her to remain unnoticed.

When most of the guests have finished their meals, a hostess took the microphone and announced, “Now that our stomachs have already been graced, it’s finally time to hear from our engaged couple, and share their love story to everyone.”

After a round of applause, Warren took over the microphone and smiled confidently at the room of over fifty guests.

In his tall frame, Warren started his tale, “Camilla and I met through a common friend. We-” His green eyes glanced at Camilla adoringly as his fiancé sat at the front-most table. He resumed, “We started out just friends but the more we saw each other, attraction happened after a year and we hit it off!”


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