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I Kissed A CEO And He Liked It! novel Chapter 2

As Gabrielle acted to leave the venue, Camilla started telling everyone how her friend was just too drunk. “Sorry about this. Gaby just lost it tonight. Please don’t misunderstand her.”

She then grabbed Warren’s arm and suggested, softly whispering in his ear, “Talk to her! Get her to correct things when she is sober. My parents will hate me!”

“She still… is probably hurt.” With glaring eyes, Camilla repeated herself, “Talk to her. This was your idea to get married soon in the first place!”

Warren could only hiss. He forced a smile at his friends and family, saying, “Excuse me, I need to make sure that Gaby is safe.”

“Don’t worry everyone, we will clear this issue when she is no longer drunk. This is all just a misunderstanding,” he added before finally taking the leave.

Outside the halls, Gabrielle was striding fast.

Her chest was utterly aching, realizing the degree of her best friend’s betrayal. She muttered, “Eight months. Eight fucking months!”

That was how long she had been blind. She felt a tear fell down her cheek, and she wiped it with her hand immediately. Scolding herself, she asked, “How could I not have seen it?!”

She was about to breakdown when she heard a voice calling out to her.

“Gaby! Gaby! Wait!” It was Warren, rushing her way.

She hurriedly cleared her face with any tear stain and put up a confident act. Without looking at him, she answered, “I need to leave, Warren. My boyfriend is waiting for me!”

Grabbing her arm, Warren said, “Oh, come on! I know you don’t have a boyfriend and I.” He looked around, making sure no one who knew him was there to witness his words, “Look Gaby, I know we hurt you.”

“We did not mean for any of this to happen. It just happened!” He explained.

“Really?” Gabrielle’s eyes widened before she said, “How about telling me eight months ago? Why cling on to our relationship if it had already been stained?!”

She pointed a finger at him and repeatedly pushed it against his chest as she told, “You – you and Cami lied to me! Never cared about how I would feel in all this! You even wanted to get married without me knowing?!”

“But never mind you - Cami? She - she is probably the worst person right now for having betrayed me.” A sneer became apparent on her face before she shook her head. “Forget it. I’ve moved on.”

Turning away, she said, “My boyfriend is waiting. Excuse me – “

A scoff left Warren’s lips, hearing her say she was already in a relationship. He sped his steps, catching up with her and he suggested confidently, “I know you don’t have a boyfriend, Gaby! I know you too well! And I know exactly how much you are so in love with me that’s why -”

He stood in front of Gabrielle to reason out with her. He then resumed his thoughts, “That’s why we could not tell you the truth.” Raising his hand, he added, “Cami and I just could not tell you that we fell in love with each other because we… we somehow knew you would react this way!”

“I am done with your bullshit, Warren!” She ran her fingers through her hair before she squinted at him. “There is absolutely no excuse for what you did – for what you both did!”


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