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I Kissed A CEO And He Liked It! novel Chapter 4

Kyle Wright was in a dilemma. He was in his office at eight in the evening, resting his chin against his fist.

Three days passed, and the image of the girl that kissed him, still kept popping into his head. He cursed at his predicament. “Fuck!”

Just when there was more work to be done, someone he knew nothing about frequently distracted him! He wondered, ‘How could a girl suddenly affect him now? What made the girl special?’

After pondering about this, he shifted his pose, leaning to his other fist and trying to get himself settled down.

It was in his college years that he was officially diagnosed with selective erectile dysfunction. After his mother found out that he never dated anyone and that he never had the desire to be with a girl, specifically, never had an erection, his parents had him sent through a medical evaluation.

Yes, the great Kyle Wright had not had a boner, not as long as he could remember. His parents swore as a child, he has had an erection, but as far as Kyle was concerned, he never had such an experience… not until three nights ago when a certain lady in a sapphire blue dress kissed him out of nowhere.

Kyle guessed maybe there wasn’t anything wrong with him from the start. Maybe the doctors were wrong to conclude that he had an erection problem!

The truth was, the doctors never found anything wrong with him. Kyle was as healthy as a horse! The reason for his inability to get a boner equally was baffling to the doctors.

Of course, the doctors gave him several medications, including Sildenafil, but prior to being interested in getting aroused himself, he had to be attracted to a girl. But that! That never happened either.

The other night, his sister took him to a lingerie show. They say one is bound to get aroused by the sight of sexy women in their underwear, but no. Nothing happened at all.

Despite being presented with beautiful women, almost wearing nothing, it did not affect him in any way. Nothing. Kyle Wright absolutely felt nothing. Nor did he find himself attracted to any of the models, especially since they were all eyeing him from the very start. Instead, he felt disgusted by their flirtatious smiles.

It would seem as though he was still faced with the same problem as before. He could not get a boner, but as to why and how he just recently had one with the mysterious girl? He supposed it would remain to be a mystery.

While Kyle was drowned with all these thoughts, he heard a knock on the door.

He sat up at the sight of his assistant, Mark. He checked the time and suggested, “It’s already late, Mark.” Clearing his throat, he added, “You can go, I can finish here on my own.”

Kyle felt quite guilty. Here he was, spending more than an hour, thinking about this mysterious girl when his assistant was waiting for him to finish.

“Ah, Mr. Wright.” Mark walked closer to Kyle’s desk and placed a folder on the surface of his table. He explained, “I took the liberty of finding out about the girl who kissed you three nights ago. Her name is Gabrielle Taylor.”

Mark tapped on the folder and explained, “Everything you need to know about her is in this file.”

When Mark saw the puzzled expression of his boss, he further elaborated, “I figured, you were clearly distracted about the girl so knowing your busy self, you might not have the time to check her out.”

He smiled confidently before proudly continuing, “She is currently unemployed and I’ve been thinking, sir. We have been having problems with the attendant at your penthouse… Why not hire her to do the job? Sure, she may not have experience in this field but - “

“What makes you think. I want to know about her?” Kyle’s voice said coldly. He made a face and said, “Distracted? Whatever gave you that idea, Mark? I simply had many things to deal with, including my family’s affairs.”

Mark suddenly felt regretful about what he had done. He wondered if his assessment of things was wrong, but knowing his boss for years, he was most certain that he was… troubled by the girl in the sapphire blue dress.

Feeling his heart beating faster, Mark bowed his head and asked, “Forgive me, Mr. Wright. I – I assumed wrong. I won’t do it again.”

“You damn right, you should never!” Kyle rose from his seat and implied, “I am not interested in that girl, nor will I be interested in any other! Do you understand that? I have a company to run, thousands of employees rely on me for their daily needs! I do not have the time to deal with women!”


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