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I Kissed A CEO And He Liked It! novel Chapter 5

Days passed again, yet Kyle Wright denied having gone through Gabrielle Taylor’s file.

While he said nothing about being interested in Gabrielle, he wound up scheduling a visit at Braeton University, at the same time when Gabrielle had three classes in the morning.

Kyle was a computer engineer and had taken both his college degree and master’s degree at the same school. So he only had an audience in the same field.

In respect of his professor, one that he looked up to, Kyle agreed to give a career talk at the school’s auditorium, also enticing college students to apply for the Wright Diamond Corporation, whereas, since Kyle pursued computer studies, his father, Ethan Wright had invested in computer program development.

The career talk, featuring Kyle Wright, ended after just an hour. Shortly then after, Kyle, together with his assistant, left, with the intention to return to the company soon, or so… Mark Esperanza thought.

Making it out in the auditorium, Mark had always wondered why they did not park the car straight in front of the venue. Kyle Wright was an honorable guest and a CEO of the biggest corporation in the city. Mark thought, surely, the man would have been allowed to bring in the car wherever he wanted.

The two curved up, making the long walk along the corridors of the university, with many eyes ogling at Kyle. Yet despite the attention he was getting, he gave no reaction, as if he saw no one at all.

Not a moment too soon, however, Mark realized how they were headed the wrong way.

He frowned as he asked while pointing in another direction, “Ah, Mr. Wright? I think the way to the gate is that way.”

Mark remained to point to the course of the campus’ exit while turning his back to his boss, only to find himself standing alone in seconds!

He frowned, realizing how Kyle had left him behind, walking ahead in a direction he knew not where.

“Mr. Wright? Mr. Wright? Where are we going?” Mark called for him again while hurriedly catching up with Kyle.

“Stop asking questions! I know a shortcut. Hurry up,” Kyle answered without turning to his assistant. He simply walked briskly against the watchful eyes of the students and some teachers.

At some point, Mark believed his boss, but soon he saw how they were entering another section of the building, which was further away from the exit. Mark cleared his throat to ask, “Mr. Wright. Did we just enter the liberal arts department?”

After his probing, Kyle Wright immediately halted his steps. He turned to his assistant with a hint of annoyance and said, “Have you studied here, Mark? Or should I remind you how I spent six years at this school. I’m telling you, we are headed to a shortcut!"

Kyle’s eyes further narrowed before he resumed, “I know exactly where I am going.”

He turned around again, marching in his desired path.

Just when Mark had given up, asking his boss about where they were going, Kyle suddenly stopped.

Checking him out, Mark noticed how his boss, who was a meter away, seemingly hiding from one column to inspect a student that was sitting on one bench, reading a book.

Standing in awe, Kyle Wright finally saw what he came here for.

He found the young Gabrielle Taylor, engrossed with reading a book in one of the hallways and sucking on a big red lollipop just twenty feet from where he stood.

Kyle noticed how she had no make-up on that day, but despite her simplicity, he had to admit; she had an adorable face that easily caught his attention.

Gabrielle had her long and silky caramel hair down her shoulders, and she sometimes raked her fingers through them as she shifted from one page to another. All at the same time, she was heartily eating her candy.

It was like how it was when Kyle saw her coming towards him a few days back.

His vision seemed to have zoomed in on her, especially on her luscious red lips!


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